How can i preserve a leaf to stay green!?

Discussion in 'General' started by HerbRen, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. This is my first grow and I've fallen in love with my plant obviously :p I would like to snip a leaf and frame it on my wall but would love for the leaf to remain as green and this possible?

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  2. Paint it green :confused_2:
  3. Put it between two pieces of wax paper and iron it. Don't put the iron directly on the wax paper...use a towel in between.
  4. laminate it then frame it, that how i did my biggest fan leaf that iv ever grown:cool:
  5. Formaldehyde? I don't know.
  6. [quote name='"smokintoke"']laminate it then frame it, that how i did my biggest fan leaf that iv ever grown:cool:[/quote]

    Do you have a photo of what it looks like today?
  7. [quote name='"Penelope420"']Put it between two pieces of wax paper and iron it. Don't put the iron directly on the wax paper...use a towel in between.[/quote]

    What will that do other then flatten it out?

  8. The wax melts, seals together, and the leaf is preserved in an air-free environment.
  9. #9 YoSmokinMan, Aug 1, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2012
    My dad still has a leaf from a plant he grew back in the 70s.

    All he did though was coat it in some kind of silicon. I wouldn't recommend that method. The leafs still a dark green but the silicon is beat up.

    That's a nice looking plant man.

    Here's a tip:
    I see you have the plant tied over so the nodes are going vertically and horizontally, when looking at your picture, it looks like a + (where the lines are the stems of the leaves), it should look like an x.

    This gives all the shoots a better chance of taking off whereas how you have it the ones on the bottom probably won't get very big. Don't go messing with it now just remember for the next one.
  10. #10 Rainy Daze, Aug 1, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2012
    you just reminded me i have a leaf in my yearbook thats been there 2 years im gonna check right now if its still green i totally forgot about it............

    yep its still green as ever! so yea maybe put it in a between book pages.
  11. polyurethane clear coat! the stuff they put on bars thats a thick clear coat.
  12. [quote name='"welker 420"']you just reminded me i have a leaf in my yearbook thats been there 2 years im gonna check right now if its still green i totally forgot about it.[/quote]

    If it is you should take a photo so I can see the results!
  13. i dont have a camera man:(

  14. a feminist is somone who yells equal rights equals rights but says you cant hit me im a girl you have to buy dinner your a man thats wat a feminist is there a walking double standard
  15. [quote name='"4ganja2green0"']polyurethane clear coat! the stuff they put on bars thats a thick clear coat.[/quote]

    Good call I'll check that out

  16. good first post :eek:
  17. Dude.. I think I see an angry cat's face on top of your plant

  18. Um.. no, neither of these things have anything do with feminism. I dont' think you should hit anyone- male or female- and I can buy my own fucking dinner, thankyouverymuch.

    But I'm not sure what this has to do with anything.

    Sorry OP...
  19. [quote name='"ddoublevision"']Dude.. I think I see an angry cat's face on top of your plant[/quote]

    Lmao, I unfortunately do not see an angry cats face...but I wish I did :p
  20. Here's one of my biggest so far

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