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How Can I Make My Bho Easier To Work With?

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by Nootropic, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. So sprayed into a pyrex container, did a hot water purge, and then i did a hot oil purge. i waited until the BHO stopped bubbling, and then I took the pyrex container our of the hot oil bath, and poured the molten BHO into a parchment paper "boat". i put the little parchment dish into the freezer for about thirty minutes. came out looking like this.
    the issue is it appears to be stuck quite well onto the parchment paper. especially now that I've stored it like this.
    is there anything I can do to make it less sticky? 
    would putting it in the freezer make it brittle and chip off the paper in one whole piece? or should i unfold the parchment page, warm it up with a heat gun and vacuum purge a couple times?

  2. #2 Jimmy Carter, Jun 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2013
    Its not purged enough. Look at all those bubbles trying to escape. Why did you put it in the freezer? That just made all those bubbles that were trying to escape stuck in place.
    Another possibility is you burned your oil. You say it was molten? you could pour it out of the dish?? getting your oil too hot will turn it to sap sometimes.
    Sounds to me like you rushed the whole process.
    spread that oil out thin as you can and let it sit on 100-120F for a few hours to let those bubbles go away.
  3. #3 Nootropic, Jun 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2013
    the pyrex dish was in a 250F - 300F hot oil bath for... 45 minutes? an hour? i can't remember. it was in there until bubbles stopped forming entirely. when i took it out, it was a completely still liquid, with the viscosity of vegetable oil. i read this post which said that once the bubbling stopped, the butane is fully purged and the oil is decarboxylated. it is true that i did run hot at times, vegetable oil seems to heat up and cool down differently than water. 
    when it was in the pyrex dish, it had no bubbles. I poured it out into a parchment paper "boat" and stuck it how it was into the freezer for 15 minutes. it had bubbles either after i poured it into the boat, or after i took it out of the freezer, i can't remember.
    anyway, at room temperature this BHO is a bit like thick maple syrup. hard to really explain it. a bit stringy. i ended up sticking the BHO in the freezer for about an hour, and when i took it off i quickly removed it from the parchment paper all in one piece. i'm currently heating it up in a mason jar along with coconut oil and soy lecithin. we will see what happens.
    what i'm currently noticing is that the bho isn't dissolving as easily in the coconut oil as i would have hoped. it seemed to stick to itself quite a bit until i mixed it with a paperclip for about 10 minutes. still has the dark brown residue on the bottom.
    thank you for your reply
  4. wayyy to high of temps and not long enough purgee.listen to the first comment.....120d for at least another 6hrs...when u start a new batch keep the temps low and purge it for 12hrs+ if ya dont have  vac pump.
    funny thing is i do in fact have a vacuum pump and a vacuum chamber haha
  6. Why were you decarbing? You'll never get shatter with temps like that.
    to be able to do this
  8. in that case, not really. maybe try not exceeding 250F. Decarb'd oil will pretty much always be sap
  9. excellent, thank you for your help.
    i'm going to hopefully be testing this capsule in the near future
  10. are you mixing with coconut oil or just putting straight oil in the caps?
  11. i mixed with coconut oil. i was hoping that the sap in the coconut oil would dissolve like sugar in water but no such luck. it took quite a bit of coaxing 
  12. #12 Jimmy Carter, Jun 15, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2013
    yeah its not gonna be that easy but you have to keep it warm. Also, try decarbing your starting material before you pack/blast it, its worked great for me and made things easier IMO. I think its easier to decarb flower/trim than oil.
    also, I want to experiment with blasting into warm coconut oil. I've done it into ethanol for winterizing and I think it might work.
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  13. i tested out a pill last night, seems to have worked well. i unfortunately was quite tired and i had eaten quite a bit earlier and i took two tiny dabs right as i was coming up, so my review wasn't as objective as it could have been. i will be passing off a sample to a friend for confirmation.
    the reason i decarbed my oil rather than my bud is that it seems to be a lot easier to do so with oil. you literally just heat it up and wait for the bubbles to stop. with dry plant matter, it seems to be a lot more subjective. but maybe i will try that next time.
    how do you think the liquid butane will interact with the coconut oil? are you sure that the low temperature won't denaturize the coconut oil? an interesting idea nevertheless
  14. the coconut oil will be like 100F or something. I don't see it working out any different than blastin into alcohol but we wont know until I try.
  15. I had some tacky stuff last time around. If you leave it on the parchment paper and throw it in the freezer for a minute or so(until it's a little hard) it should come right off but you have to hurry because it picks up heat fast.
    I keep mine in a oil slick great. I haven't tried the oil slick pads but from what I've heard/read they are a lot better than paper and you can fold it over and over to work it into one space. You cannot spray onto the pads but they are safe for purging on according to them.
  16. a pad isnt gonna be any easier with sap than parchment, sap should be in a dish or something. and putting it in the freezer isnt gonna do anything for you except make it hard for a couple seconds.

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