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How can i make my apartment/duplex odor proof?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Shockapunk, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. I am having a problem with my neighbors. Every time that I light a bowl they can smell the weed. I live in a house that was made into a duplex. I cover vents open windows and nothing seems to work. What can I do?! I have also tried the rollar with dryer sheets and that definetly doesn't work if you got some bomb dro.
  2. Same issue man, I've resorted to bongs only, and dont pack massive bowls you may not be able to rip. Keep them mid sized. And make a blowie out of a long vacuum tube and sling it out your window. Fill it with about 10 dryer sheets, it reeks of gain or whatever but not chron. Always rip the bowl and blow straight through the blowie. Best of luck, one day me and my friends resorted to ghosting every bowl ;)
  3. Yeah it sucks dude. She harasses n stuff like yesturday she was yelling fucking weed smokers! It pissed me off. Shes the type to call the cops
  4. That sucks man, just hire someone to off her. Problem solved. haha.

    When I used to smoke back in the day when I live with my parents, we used to use one of thos window fans. Had it on high blowing outward. Sat right next to it. Every tiny bit of smoke went right out the window. Never got caugh for 4 years. Now I smoke with my parents all the time, funny how it all works out.
  5. get a tube, run it under her door and blow the biggest bong hit you can take through it and then jsut yell " dammit (insert her name), i can smell that pot you're smoking!"

    on a real note.... get a vape and smoke in a back room of your duplex. towel under the door.
  6. if you plan to smoke alot i would get a better vape than the vapo genie.... there are reviews of vaporizers on this forum i believe....
  7. vape will solve your problems
  8. They cant complain about incense can they? Google this one kind called "Nag Champa", it smells good and will cover the weed smell for sure.
  9. Da Buddha'll love it, trust me :smoke:

  10. haha you make me laugh
  11. damn that sounds like a bad buzzkill. i feel sorry for u. maybe hotbox ur car?
  12. vaporizing for sure! box style vapes are really good for the price. id get a vapor bros or a silver surfer. if you have the money though id highly recommend the volcano. it really is worth the money.
  13. If its important enough make or use a little area (storage closet or what not)and get a carbon filter and proper fan problem solved

    Toke away!

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