How can I keep my plants from freezing during lights out

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by Cataclismic, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. My box gets to be 75 to 87 degrees when my lights are on but they drop to around 60 when lights are out. How can I keep it warm in there during lights out?
  2. get a heater for your room. I live in a cold climate and my room drops to around 60 every night and mine are doing really well. You should be alright.
  3. small ceramic heater on a timer should solve your problem
  4. would it pose as a fire hazard?
  5. and what kinda schedule should I put it on as far as using the timer
  6. Are you running your lights on during night time or daytime hours?
    Careful on a heater, most are power sensitive, power goes out
    similar to on a timer and after 10 seconds you have to manually
    turn it off & on to re-start it, I found a Lasko ceramic tower heater
    with digital settings from 60-90^ when it looks like it might be in the 50-60^
    in the day I usually set the heater for 65^ keeps it 65-72^, I also point it away from
    the plants on oscillate with a piece of metal in front of it just in case.
  7. Not sure if it's true but I've read somewhere that marijuana used to grow in the cold, something like that, where it has to be really cold to kill them, I would think 60 is fine, but during the winter months it could be bad. A friend of mine has these tiny little heaters all through his house, there no bigger than a stack of DVD's, eight or so, pretty small heater, I'd say run it on a timer if you have an extra timer, say, half hour every other hour or something, wouldn't get to hot or stay to cold, just test it during the day or something. Wish I knew where he got them, BIGLOTS might have them if you have one near you, if you don't get any help let me know I can ask him.
  8. #9 lostfedexman, Jan 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2010
    Hey dog, from what I've ready, you actually WANT your temps to drop about 15 degrees when lights off... It HELPS the plants out. I really don't think you have anything to worry about. I read that from probably the most wise grower I have personally ever seen on the net. Mine drops that far at night, actually goes from about 80 during lights on to about 65 lights off. And my girls are loving it! G/L on the gro bro!

    Oh, and just out of curiosity. How in the hell is your temp somewhere between 75-87 when lights are on? Because that's a HUGE difference in temps. Does it really fluctuate that much when the lights are on? Because I just don't understand how it could be such a wide range of temps W/Lights on. I've never ever heard of anything like that before!
  9. #10 TheCareGiver, Jan 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2010
    yeah, imho, 60 for you would be the limit, any colder and i would start to do something, but if you keep it between the 10-20* ratio you should be good.

    i think its anything lower than 60 stress sets in? but growth doesnt stop at that point, i forget how cold it has to get before growth stops.
  10. Yeah sometimes itll be 74 and after a hour it'll go up till 86. I think it was because I used to put a blanket on top of it and it would block the exhaust fan but since I've stopped doing that it stays at like 80
  11. if you want to get technical and know how to do just get digi thermostat and either a relay to work heater or one that has a control voltage hook heater to cut in whenever you want. i would worry more about the 87 for a high get some extra fans to cut in you could do the same thing with a thermostat

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