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How can I get my parents to smoke

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by stoned42, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. Around a week ago my dad found 2.2 grams of weed (none of my parents know I smoke), recently my mum has trouble sleeping so I told her she should try taking weed before bed but she doesn't want to smoke, vapourise etc, she wants to try edibles but my dads not really happy about it for some reason :mad:
  2. [quote name='"stoned42"']Around a week ago my dad found 2.2 grams of weed (none of my parents know I smoke), recently my mum has trouble sleeping so I told her she should try taking weed before bed but she doesn't want to smoke, vapourise etc, she wants to try edibles but my dads not really happy about it for some reason :mad:[/quote]

    Not edibles for the first time.. She'll get way too blasted..
  3. because they grew up with all the "Marijuana Kills" propaganda so thats what they associate weed with
  4. Yup you got that right, well my mum was also brought up in a country where apparently you have to mix tobacco with weed, I know this is not true but she says otherwise its too expensive, she also thinks if she smokes it shell get COPD, she works as a mental health nurse and she basically doesn't want to inhale smoke, my dad also doesn't like talking about giving it to her
  5. #6 Verdurous, Aug 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2012
    I have chronic insomnia and weed practically cures it. I wrote my mom a research paper using Granny's MMJ Reference List, which is full of scientific studies and articles with unbiased explanations of the true effects of cannabis. It's amazing and a must have for medical users. My mom was very receptive to my claims because I backed then with evidence, which is much less disputable than just your word on it.
  6. I know man it sounds perfect for her but she wants to eat it which will probably make her trip instead of sleep and my dad doesn't like discussing it
  7. The Union is a good start

  8. this.

    also you may not want to do that, often adults have real jobs that could mean drug test (randoms)
  9. lol when most people get caught they get in trouble, op gets caught and tries to convince his parents to smoke weed :smoke:

    you turned it around on em man
  10. Peer pressure. Tell her all her cool friends do it.
  11. Get them to watch the union
  12. some adults would like to smoke, they just cant because of their profession.

    did you ever consider that?

    maybe your dad is pissed because he used to blaze & is jealous.
  13. Kids, the Union is great, but it is often dismissed as "hippie propaganda" by many parents. Kenjamin had the right idea- do your research before you try to get you parents to smoke, or accept your smoking.

    And vaporizing eliminates the smoke damage that can lead to COPD. There are several medical studies that discuss the safety of vaporizing.

    Also consider your family's medical history. What "runs in your family"?

    My List can help you find the medical studies you need - you can preview a short (420 pages) version of my List by clicking that first link in my sig. To get a free PDF of my full List (840 pages of links), send me an email. Addy is at the bottom of my sig.

    Granny :wave:
  14. Tell em training day style, "either you hit this or we have a problem."

    "Man up, finish that shit!"
  15. Nah over here in UK they dont really drug test :D
  16. Lol actually my dad works for himself so he can and Im suspecting he is cause he has a wooden grinder but its never been used :L he also is for the legalisation of it but would hate me smoking it :rolleyes: my mum though believes propaganda about weed cause shes a mental health nurse but she understands tobacco and alcohol is worse for you and wouldnt really mind me smoking weed but my dad thinks alcohol is better for you :rolleyes:
  17. Well I have 2 uncles who both smoke weed, one does coke as well and doesnt have a job, the other beat his mum up, has bipolar, maybe schizo and is paranoid and thinks the government is spying on us :wave:
  18. My parents also think I dont smoke weed but they know I think its basically harmless
  19. After you take a huge hit, cough out "are you gonna hit this shit or what?".

    Or just try to talk to them about some of the benefits and just have a conversation about it. Either way good luck.

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