How can I get 6 grams to last me a week?

Discussion in 'General' started by Serio, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. So I'm on vacation in Berlin, and I've met a pretty decent dealer, but my money is only allowing me to buy 6 grams of some Haze every saturday. Now unfortunately for the past 3 weeks I've been running out by day 3 and ending up with no weed for another few days. Now I have an okay tolerance, not off the limit and not low either. How can I manage making these 6 grams last me that entire week or atleast 6 days even if it means I'd get high only twice a day?
    It's my first day on GC actually :smoke: I'd appreciate the answers:)
  2. Use a bowl and put only a lil in there each time throughout the day. I can conserve a g for like 2-3 days
  3. Smoke from a bowl. And when you go to pick up, split it into 7 portions in baggies. Smoke one a day. Easy. Self control will help you to not open the next days bag early.
  4. get a 1 hitter. I'm on vacation as well and I just made 3.5 grams last 7 days while normally that will last 3 at best.
  5. Thanks, actually the dividing of the weed into 7 baggies is a good idea, I'll stick to that and probably only use my bong and bubbler, even though I prefer joints but I gotta admit its a waste of weed at times. I was thinking I'd fill up half of a bowl, and roll me a reeally slim joint as a start of the day, and continue using only a bowl for the rest, good or bad idea?
  6. Make 7 joints that are all just below 1 g and smoke one a day?

    Depends on how much you need to get to where you want to be. But as others are saying definitely use a piece if you're looking to conserve.
  7. nah can't do that, a joint a day won't do me good, by day 3 my tolerance would get higher and I'll start to need more than just one to get high
  8. Honestly it isn't that hard to figure out you can either smoke less or stop smoking for one day. It wont hurt you ;)
  9. Yea I know, but I thought maybe a good answer will get me a good system going
  10. [quote name='"Serio"']Thanks, actually the dividing of the weed into 7 baggies is a good idea, I'll stick to that and probably only use my bong and bubbler, even though I prefer joints but I gotta admit its a waste of weed at times. I was thinking I'd fill up half of a bowl, and roll me a reeally slim joint as a start of the day, and continue using only a bowl for the rest, good or bad idea?[/quote]

    Beggars can't be choosers. If you are low on bud, no joints. Easy as that. They are too wasteful.

    Pinner isn't a bad idea. But still not a good idea. Just wait it out til you have more on hand until you can enjoy a j again. It'll make it that much more enjoyable.
  11. mix it with damiana, a 100% legal, natural ground up plant/flower that can be purchased at any homeopathic or herbal remedy shop. for some reason it goes really well with weed, allowing the bud to last longer, and it gets you higher without messing with your tolerance.
    also, 1 pound of it costs like $30 bucks
    other than that, what other people said, small bowls, self control, and put it all in bags for daily use
  12. Haha true, I can't exactly choose how or how often I'd like to smoke if I'm low on weed. And I'm only here at Berlin for vascation, I'm not familiar with where I could find herbal remedy shops or whatnot. I was actually lucky enough to find a headshop where I bought my bong and bubbler.
  13. #13 Homelander, Aug 10, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2012
    Ya know for me man I'd just use a bowl, bong or a 1 hitter and when I'm hittin' it I'd just be lightin' a side of tha area when it'z packed instead of just fuckin' roastin' tha whole thing just tryin' to get 1 hit, I'm betta off goin' wit a nice lil smooth hit than just fuckin' power hittin' tha whole thin' and just killin' tha weed faster
  14. Use a bong or a vape, I can make 6 grams last me a month if I have to.
  15. Yea, I do the same too, unless I've got lots of weed, then I do whatever I feel like. But yea, since I'm on vacation I've got to balance the money with everything else I'm gonna do, all the things I'm gonna buy, and so on.

  16. Don't split it into baggies like that until you get home if you must do that. By chance you get stopped you are going to get booked for intent to sell along with that possession charge.

    Peace! :wave:
  17. That's true, but the point isn't just getting the weed to last, but to get it to last by also enjoying it, after all, I AM on vacation.
  18. I don't get these types of questions? :confused_2:

    Just even it out, dude. When I was younger 2 grams would last me a week. I'm sure if you put a little effort and self control you can make 6 grams last a week. No one is going to be able to tell you how to do it. Just make it work.

    If you can't.. then...

    [ame=]You rack disciprine - YouTube[/ame]
  19. yea, plus it's more comfortable at home.
  20. This isn't the problem, I can make it last, its just that I haven't figured out a way to make it last with maximum pleasure. I just wanted a few tips, nothing more.

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