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how can i fool drug dogs at college, help plz!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by tokingP-Nut, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. ok so i have my bud
    inside a ziplock
    inside a mason jar
    inside a giant playdough bucket
    inside a ottoman
    and the ottoman has open fruitloops in it and coffee beans

    PLUS all the sweater and clothing i throw on top of it...

    its also in the back corner farthest from the door of my 16x18 foot dorm...

    whats all your opinion on that.
  2. what??? why the extreme measures?? and the only way ive ever found to keep the smell of bud down to nothing at all is to use the huge thick as hell vaccuumm seal bags, and seal them every time youre not using it. You can have a lb of the dankest dank and it wont smell at all.

    Those smell canceling bags u see for sale, every one of them is a GIGANTIC waste of time and cash ive tried em all...
  3. only extreme cuz the dogs are random, and if the dog cues off the police they can search the whole dorm...

    plus this stuff has a strong smell
  4. Never tried it, or even though about much, but keeping it submersed in water could keep the smell away maybe. Like getting smallish mason jar, put some stuff to weigh it down a bit inside it, put your buds in then put that jar inside a bigger jar that is filled with water. Maybe?
  5. Your college brings in drug dogs? Man, I sure am glad I go to state school where no one cares... lol. We smoke out the Philosophy advisors office quite frequently.
  6. i was surprised they brought dogs, it is a art college...
  7. I saw a video on youtube quite a while back, can't seem to find it now. But it was an ex cop that told you how to fool the dogs. The only way you can do it is if it's in a airtight container, where the outside has had ZERO contact with marijuana. That means if you've handled bud recently and touched the container, the dog will smell it. You can't just fool dogs like you can humans. He went on to say they have "3d" scent capabilities. If you hid your shit in the gastank, dog would smell gas and weed. If you put it in peanut butter, then pepper, then coffee, that's exactly what the dog would smell, pb pepper coffee and bud.

    After watching that vid, I would put my stuff in a brand new mason jar without touching the bud or the jar. Then put it in a non conspicous bag, aka something that doesn't look like it's covering up a scent.
  8. You cannot fool the dogs.
  9. you can't.
  10. wins
  11. :D if anybody has seen manswers then you've seen how they take the bud and in order to keep it form the dog smelling it they pack it into a hunk of raw meat!:D

    i think that might poison you first off and second off i dont know if you want to keep raw meat in your dorm room.

    I'd say that for sure the dog in smaller amounts or keep your bud in a different but safe location. we dont want you gettin it taken or anything
  12. alittle extreme on the layers of security...but. thats good. way to be safe. what you also might want to do is put beef jerky around the room. not peppered tho. but itll take the dogs attention off it. always if your worried about them searching while your back at home, as my friend does. just take it home. good luck.
  13. vacuum sealing doesnt fool drug dogs....the only way is to deter them so just put smelling salts arent your stash. I mean thats what i heard directly from a buddy who does a lot of drug busts for the DEA. I have vacuum sealed it and it went through a bag right infront of a drug drug and he didnt signal. I mean it could have been a shitty drug dog (different country) or it could have been looking for other shit.
  14. From what I remember hearing, it's just about impossible to fool a dog. But, you can fool the police officer. What you have to do is take a little bit of keif, just enough that you can smell it without being seen, and spread it all over the outside of the room where the bud is. That way the dog will go completely nuts and show so many false negatives that the officer will most likely give up
  15. ^^ never thought about that :D
  16. You cant fool the dogs.

    you can fool the cops.

    but you cant fool the dog.
  17. put you bag in coffee make sure its sealed. you can use something else but has to slemm really strong i know coffe works tho

  18. Barry Cooper?
  19. yep that's the one, thanks!
  20. thats actually a really good idea. like just sprinkle it somewhere other than your room too. all in the carpets and whatnot.

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