How bulls get payback (graphic but not gorey)

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by mushroomsatsuji, May 23, 2010.

  1. cause the shit is horrifying and completely unnecessary violence to provide heartless fucks with what's disgustingly referred to as "entertainment"

  2. Are you aware that most bulls that die in a bullfight are used afterwards as food? It's not a waste of the livestock, which is what bulls and cows are.
  3. ^put yourself in the bull's hooves. end of story homie.
    if they wanna eat it put a big ass caliber bullet in its face and save it the helplessness, confusion, and pain. well, helplessless might not be the best word.. but you get the idea

  4. there is a difference in a cow dieing a near instant death at an abattoir and being hacked at with swords for up to 6 hours
  5. Well considering we ARE animals, I feel the same about seeing a guy get his head cut off with a dull blade, as a lion taking down its prey. Life is life, and there is nothing special about us.
  6. I have never seen a bull plead for it's life.

    Other than the fact that we are sentient?
  7. I think I'm missing the point of this thread...

  8. I don't know what you are trying to say with this. But here's my reply




  9. Hmm.. so then how do you know they suffer?
  10. Thats because they are too busy trying to kill you first.

    And other animals arent? Many species stays by their dead mate for hours on end. Domesticated animals only mean that they do not see us as a threat. They feel just as we do. We do have a distinct mental advantage but that doesnt mean they are not aware.
  11. i feel like you're trolling right now lol.

    i mean.. really?
  12. They are not self aware. Few animals show signs of self awareness, and I don't think bulls are such animals.

    dolphins and elephants are.

    I am not a troll. I just don't feel as compassionate for animals as some folks do I guess. If someone were doing this to your dog, I could understand. Bulls are livestock. Why are they worthy of such sympathy and compassion? Just because they're living organisms?
  13. [​IMG]
  14. So its ok to do whatever with them?

    Honestly, I feel the same way about humanity. I dont know you, why should I care you got raped then mutilated...or the other way around.

    It may be a view that might get me a ticket to a psych ward but seriously, why should we care about other people outside our circle? Granted we love those around us, but what of those in africa? Those with no education at all, starving and dying? Are they any less than us because they do not know as much as us?

    We are not special. We may be a leap in evolution, but in a thousand or more years, whos to say we will still be around? If not, what difference does it make? We are all just living organisms. Really we are livestock as well. We grow up, go to school, get a job, retire then die, all to keep the capitalistic machine going.
  15. meat eating is wrong and meat eaters should feel bad :bolt:
  16. Doesnt look too bad, anyway whats with that big brown thing the guy is holding in his mou.. oh..
  17. I also see nothing wrong with this sport, if the bull wins, it wins, he loses hes loses. Survival is the cruelest game of all.
  18. Yeah man I think all those fucking Lions and shit need a nice led suppository in their heads.

  19. did you know that there are usually >5 bullfighters in the arena. 2 armed with spears on horseback. The bull has no choice.

    lions aren't people
  20. Nor are people lions so whats your point?

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