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How Big Should Your Grow Area Be

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by olDirtyJello, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. sorry for posting the same thing but i cant seem to find how to delete old posts. I figured since I didnt get any replies it was in the wrong place... ok so I just wanna grow like 2 indica plants, how big of a grow area do I need? Can I just build that area into a box of how big it needs to be? ex: if you were to say 2" x 2" I would build a wooden box that was 2" x 2" . Any tips or suggestions would be helpful thanks...if this is in the wrong place please direct me to the right one
    well indicas r fairly small so you dont need to much room, and it's good you only have two.
    are you living with ur parents? is it a stealth grow? otherwise i'd suggest cleaning out a small closet and making that ur grow room.
  3. For 2 plants indoor I would say to go with 5 gallon buckets sooo roughly a 4'X2' setup would be good. 4 feet across which is the length your buckets would be next to eachother and 2 feet wide because 5 gallon buckets wont take up that much room. And make it at least 5' high.
    i think 5 gallon is way to big, i personaly use 2 gallon buckets and my plants still get pretty big. my male reached 32" and he was indica, dont think they need to get much bigger than that.
  5. 5 gallons are perfect if you implement some training on your plants. 5 gallons+ LST and scrog and your plants wont get tall but you'll still have the bushy plants from the larger container which equals a better yield. I would use 2 gallons to sex or veg if they are femmed then flower in 5's.
  6. The box I built is 2'x3'x6'. Right now I have 4 White Widows in it. I'm actually in the process of harvesting it as we speak. They are about 34" tall and are in 3 gallon pots so they are a little crowded. Make it as tall as you can because the lights will take up a lot of space.  
  7. #7 Buffalo11024, Jun 6, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2013
    i would just grow one ScrOG'd plant in a in a 2x2. Properly tended that space will fill up quick and should yeild fairly well as long as you keep the canopy even. Poor circulation has resulted in more problems and loss of plants than any other variable in my grows. Usually I grow 4-6 plants in my 4x4 under 1000w. 4 plants if i intend to top. each plant taking up about a 2x2. yeilding anywhere from 2-4 oz a plant.
    Ahhhhhhh so much different info all sound good...but remember im a first time grower so this is all new to me...
    Ahhhhhhh so much different info all sound good...but remember im a first time grower so this is all new to me...
    Ahhhhhhh so much different info all sound good...but remember im a first time grower so this is all new to me...
    Ahhhhhhh so much different info all sound good...but remember im a first time grower so this is all new to me...
  12. Go read the stickies man they will help you.
  13. #13 WaxPayne, Jun 10, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2013
  14. any specific ones?
  15. you want to do a small grow with a couple of plants
    a 400w hps and a room 3ft x 3ft x 6ft high
    will do a good job

    don't worry about topping/scrog
    on your first grow use 2 x 3 gallon pots
    and grow in soil

    keep the nutes simple, grow and bloom
    you can pull some amazing yeilds with a basic set up
  16. Did not mean to quote wax lol
  17. will this also produce high potency buds?
  18. will do boss
  19. reduce the canopy size to 2.5ft x 2.5ft and drop the light to 10" above the canopy
    this will give you more of a dank bud with higher potency
    you will need a fan to blow up into the hood to reduce the canopy temp
    with a 3ft x3ft canopy the needs to be 12" above the canopy, the buds will be a little less dank
    but you will cove a bigger canopy so you could yeild 20% more bud
    but this question is more for advance growers after you have done a few crops
    after your first crop you want to learn how to get you canopy level and full of nodes/bud sites
    there so many diffent ways, you can look it up on google

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