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How Big Should A Joint Be?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by johnkasey, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. So in comparison to a regular bic's lighter how big should it be? (if you can post a picture of your joint next to a normal sized (no mini's) BIC lighter, thanks!
  2. the size of a cigerette.
  3. how big does a 1 gram joint look like next to a bics lighter? any pics anyone?
  4. About the size ofr 3-4 stacked on Bics =D =D :smoke:
  5. I roll my joints usally .5-.7 just me
  6. Dude have you never seen Cheech and Chong? Joints can be any size!
  7. any size you want :smoke:
  8. It can be any size, but here's probably the most efficient answer.

    As big as you need it to be.
  9. I dont rool joints that often. One of my last was a 2.1 gram between 4 heads. When i roll for me i roll what ever i want.
  10. A joint should typically be this big...

  11. Lamp pole size should be sufficient. ;)
  12. That's what I was going to say.

    Here's a picture of what my typical joint is, this is probably a little on the big side.

    Granted, that isn't my best rolling job, or my best picture... for that matter, I just picked the first one that looked halfway good.

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  13. Haha, there's no "Should"; they can be as big as you want. I've had one an inch and a half long (albeit pure kief) and a monster 6 inches long.

    Generally speaking, they're about the size of king size papers (OCB or whatever)
  14. the smaller Js, one is a skimp .3 one is a fattie .6

    the clear cellulose paper is almost blunt size, and that one was .7

    the brand of white papers are zig zag reds
    clear papers are Aleda original

    NOTE: the lighter was zeroed out on the scale, so it doesnt add any weight to any of these pics

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  15. I once had one of those when I went to an Eek-a-mouse concert.
    Fun times. We bought it pre rolled. :smoke:
  16. This is how I roll

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