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How bad is weed for you

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by cjackson2435, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. so ive heard that weed is healthier than cigs but i didnt no and was jw, i no it hs medical affects but what and btw im a,d,d,
  2. Weed is non toxic and therefore not harmful to your health. However, it depends your method of consuming it, smoking can hurt your lungs (joints are the worst, then pipes then water pipes/bongs) while edibles and vaporizing take care of the harmful effects. All in all, it isn't something you should really be concerned about. :smoking:
  3. I've heard that its not as bad b/c usually people smoke way more cigs than mj.
    I mean 2 packs of way if that was mj..that would be crazy do to that in one day.

    -Someone correct me if I'm wrong as I may be wrong.
  4. not at all its not bad cause it can't be lethal without ingesting 15,000 pounds i think in 15 minutes.It is a non cancer smoke.Your right most people smoke mabey 1-3 jays a day but most use pipes wich is less paper and weed together.You don't cough up blood,feel like crap and your lungs don't hurt as bad after a j as they would with some bacco.

    It cures cance,heart disease helps with many issues associated with,atention disorders all the way to head aches,stomach problems,chronic pain and many more.tobacco helps nothing you become highly addicted.

    my father smokes weed started 3 years ago because of some panic disorder and chews bacco still after 19 years of smoking tobacco can't get of it still plus marijuana is not too adicting just because people like it so much they don't want to give it up but it's not imposible a daily smoker for years can feel good after a 14 day withdrawl while tobacco is so needed in the body because of nicotine it could take months to years to get off and plus you kill yourself with it.So FUCK TOBACCO

    also it can be used in buildings,cloth,trinkits and other types of goods what can tobacco plants do NOTHING!I have had 2 family members get cancer because of this shit 1 now smokes marijuana legally and its gaining weight back and if my pops don't stop he too will soon get lip cancer plus it cost so fucking much 4$ for a can of chew bull shit.
  5. Some studies from Granny-

    Proven: Cannabis is safe medicine

    Excerpt from the Merck Manual

    Medical use of cannabinoids does not cause an increase in serious adverse health effects

    Claims Linking Health Problems And The Strength Of Cannabis May Be Exaggerated

    Cannabis Smoke and Cancer: Assessing the Risk

    Cannabis and tobacco smoke are not equally carcinogenic

    Radioactive tobacco

    Now, click the link in my sig, read and then turn Dad on to the rest of my list!

    Granny :wave:
  6. Well I'm pretty sure you cant get to hurt if you vary your way of consumption of weed. In the long run smoking would have the worst effects on your health.

  7. inhaling anything that is being burned is not necessarily good for you.(carbon dioxide is released) if someone said that its totally harmless they are not completely correct. but having said that, smoke your fuckin face off because you would have to live hundreds of years for this to affect your health in any significant way. and its no "cure for cancer" but it helps with cancer pain, chemotherapy nausea, and has shown anti-carcinogenic properties at cell tissue levels. its basically a wonder drug (withdrawal symptoms are laughable.. caffeine is much worse.) but not something to skip a chemo treatment for. on the subject of tobacco vs. marijuana: i have heard/read that marijuana has more tar. but dont take my word for it. dont take anyone's word actually.. thats how misinformation is spread. but most tobacco smokers smoke cigarettes that have filters. tar depends on if you use pipe/bubbler or bong, or joint/joint w filter. more tar doesnt necessarily mean its worse for you though.... thats all i have to say about that. sorry for the lengthiness. :smoking::smoking::smoking:
  8. nah man its cool, but that guy before you put the cherry on the top, I dont do it everyday and i dont plan on doing it long term so should i worry? i mea the longest i would do it or is mb half a year
  9. does anybody know the exact reason or cloose enough to why exactly weed is illegal,
  10. Its safer than water.

  11. Money and racism.
  12. the overdose for mary jane is 1500 pounds in 15 minutes. and i do not think there is a practical way to smoke all that haha.
  13. it was put into Schedule I as a temporary prudent measure until they worked out which Schedule it belonged in. The commission that was supposed to recommend its final classification recommended that it be decriminalized altogether.

    But the Nixon administration refused to comply and since then it is too risky for most legislators to appear to favor legalization so they oppose it because that's the safest thing for their careers (remember they've worked hard to get where they are and they don't just want to throw it all away on something they really don't care about anyway).

    So that's why it was criminalized and why it remains illegal.
  14. And many more. . .! :( (reasons, that is)
  15. I just watched a documentary called grass that explains how it became illegal

  16. yeapp.
    lets not forget racism, money(taxation), and (political illegalization guru>>)anslinger's linen business (something like that...) that wanted hemp "out of the picture".

    some/all of these may not be the initial cause though.
    there was also a drug-fear craze in america shortly following the realization of morphine(and such)'s addiction epidemic. apparently caused by the use of addictive opiates(and such) in over the counter medicine. also, returning addicted injured war veterans being able to buy their "meds" at low prices with no medical approval. (who saw that history channel special!?) this would have caused closer inspection of drugs and their effects. possibly pre-cursing the FDA but I'm just speculating and too high to look it up. haha peace
  17. Instant death
  18. Ya instant munchies and couchlockness, with alittle cottonmouth
  19. #19 RealCaveman, Oct 6, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2008

    Maybe....get the worlds best food eating champion and put allthe weed into brownies and see if can beat the time...

    annnnnd im sure if wiould work..

    edit im drunk and high.

  20. im sure that if he spent the first 14 minutes smoking it he could eat the rest in one minute

    edit im trippin on LSD

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