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How bad does it get when you aren't in the "Marijuana World" for about a week?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by skippyluvs, Mar 19, 2009.

  1. When you are no longer in the REAL WORLD

    Do share :)
  2. It's fine. Can't be high all the time, that'd be terrible, it would lose it's lust.
  3. I think about all the money I've saved
  4. there is no inbetween answers...i dont crave buds but every single time its available i will take it up rather than let an oppurtunity other words, all day everyday i would choose to blaze than not but im not addicted.
  5. #5 longtimetoker12, Mar 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2009
    man every body smokes weed all day every day :smoking: im baked right now .

    *EDIT* i am beyond baked right now man
  6. None of the answers suit me. I won't pass a chance, per se, but I don't crave it anymore since I've only been smoking a couple times a week. Over spring break I probably smoked an 1/8 total, which isn't a lot, but its much more than I have been for the last couple months. Last night was the first night in like a week that I had to go to sleep without the herb and I couldn't sleep.

    Once you get past the, for lack of a better word, "withdrawl" stages then it's not bad. I hope I never start smoking every day again- it loses its luster. You save so much more money, don't feel foggy-headed and you get SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much higher :bongin:
  7. If you were high all the time then you would have to stop smoking to feel a sense of "high" or out of the normal feeling.

    I often imagine if what if we were always high, and then weed makes us normal and smoking weed makes us normal, and being high is what humanity is like normal:p
  8. #8 cabbage, Mar 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2009
    I love Marijuana :p smoke every day
  9. If you were high all the time, wouldnt being sober be the new "high" ? HAHA
  10. Dude, I always think the same thing! I posted that a while ago when I made a "Philosophies" thread
  11. Although possible I doubt it. Being "high" is a unique state of mind and although it might seem prolonged I think it would always be special to oneself.

  12. ^^^I like the quote. Then we all would be like "duuuuude I am soooooo sober!!! You gotta not hit this shit right here"
  13. LOL true that man
  14. i realize after not smoking a lot for a couple of days you realize a lot more (like the money you save, little details you wouldn't notice high about people, etc) and it helps to further yourself so that when you do smoke again, it's awesome and not just routine.
  15. I selected Insane, as I use it as my medicine. :smoking:
  16. Nothing wrong with toking up everfy day as long as you can still function properly when doing important things. Thats why i toke up at night, when i havew nothing left to do, the day is over.

  17. Ill second that :smoking:
  18. if i dont have bud i dont freak out and go crazy but i iwll think to myself damn i wanna get high.
  19. I wouldn't have a problem stopping smoking for a bit. Of course I am "in the habit" (I don't believe in mental addiction) of smoking weed everyday, but quitting is just like breaking a habit in my opinion. :bongin:

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