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How bad can hallucinations from weed be?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Kipohippo, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Ive done acid, shrooms and salvia, so im familiar with halucinations. But i want to know if some things ive seen could be me being incredibly baked. Or is it a flashback?

    Saw a unicorn in the woods
    Got chased by bees (in the winter)
    Saw sparks

    Thanks. There are more, but these are probably the most powerfull that borderline flashback and bud.

  2. Its nothing like shrooms or salvia. or lsd. I've never done them but anyone will tell you its no were near as intense. It can be psychedelic for sure, but you will not see anything that you think is really there that isnt.
  3. The most I've ever experienced were very mild hallucinations such as looking at the wall and seeing star patterns ect.

    Everyone has different experiences with bud and it can effect them differently.
  4. I've never had hallucinations off of weed, but then again I've never tripped off of shrooms either...but I did hug a cactus on some peyote once.

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