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How are they lookin?

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Growing' started by Skittlez420, Apr 20, 2016.

  1. This is my first grow both blackjack started from clones. They are under a 4 ft 4 bulb t5, the air temp is around 79, water temp in both buckets is 72. The humidity is at 50%, I am using the general hydroponics trio for nutes. [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    I just want to get some input on the browning and yellowing on some of the leaves and I was also thinking about flowering in the next week or 2 and switching to a 400 watt HPS for flower is that enough for the 2 of them? Any input is more than welcome. Thanks

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  2. nice job, you are really doing well... Once flower comes around it usually gets a little more challenging in the sense that the plants are more susceptible to fuking up if you temps fluctuate too much or stress them you know. overall, keep it up. Your leaves look like they could have a slight phosphorous deficiency, google leaf symptoms and study that for sure. the 400 should be good. Just check your temps.
  3. Nice plants by the way and happy 4/20 =)
  4. Thanks biogreenthumb I though phosphorous could be the problem but I'm not sure how to fix it. Any suggestions??

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  5. Hi i ad a phospyras prob a while back and dark patches came all over leaf not tips? But if it is phospyus i got a powder called phosphate with was phosphrus plus trace elements like mag. Cal. Iron etc etc. I put a teaspoon in 5ltres and dosolved the powder. I checked my tds so not to over do it. I did that for 2 feeds i think it was. And it cured the prob. I know that phosperas cant be absorbed if ya feed water too cold etc . Im not an expert but it worked for me. Oh i also did a foliar spray a few times wi ph water and a pinch in a ltre. I sprayed just before lights out . Hope this helps love . Gud look as yr plants they look brilliant too xxx
  6. The black jack im about to harvest had that same issue in veg and my bloom nutrients seemed to have solved the issue when I went to flower

    Pretty sure it was potassium lockout cause I was giving plenty of potassium
  7. Thanks SIRSOG I just moved them to flower so I will see what happens in the next feed or too. If I continue to have this problem will it hurt my yield or will it not affect the end product so much?

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  8. Just wanted to give an update on how the grow going for those that might be interested. They are about 2 weeks into flower. Every thing seems to be going good. Here's some pictures [​IMG][​IMG]
    Ps does anyone have a good way to get rid of white powdery mildew?

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  9. I have never heard of burning sulfur or rosemary to get rid of the mildew. Might be a silly question but how does that work. Do o burn it in the tent?

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  10. Rosemary oil you don't burn, you dilute it and spray on the plants. And sulfur you burn in a sulfur burner inside where ever the effected area is.

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