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How Are My Babies Lookin?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by p0tluck, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. Hey community! So, I've made a couple posts and asked a few questions so far and I think I have an idea of what I need to do now, but I haven't actually shown you guys my set up, so here you go! One more question though... My seedlings were falling over because of how tall (drunk :p) they were. I'm thinking it's because I can't lower those lamps any more than they are. I ripped some ends off of q tips and propped em up on them. Is this okay? See below.

    Attached Files:

  2. they look fine, they literally look exactly like mine. but mine arnt streaching as much as yours :p
  3. Yeah haha that's good though! Mine were falling over before I put those q tips in!
  4. If you can't move the lights put something like a book or movie/video game cases underneath the plants to bring them up to the lights
  5. Oh yeah! I didn't think of that! Thanks man :)

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