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How am I dabbing wrong? w/ pics

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by nugs_mckenzie, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. Hey Grasscity,
         I just picked up my first dab rig yesterday and its a pretty cheap setup.  Being on a budget I cant afford an expensive piece so domeless nails and branded glass were out of the question.  With my setup I was getting nice hits and got high but my rig wont fill up with vapor.  It seems I have to aggressively swirl my dabber on the nail for it to start to smoke up or it will kinda just melt into the dish.  I'm heating the nail till its hot and then letting it cool down a few seconds then proceed to do my dab.  I have some og kush crumble and I don't know if that could be the reason its melting and not smoking up.  I'm extremely new to the concentrates and would love for my rig to be as good as a couple of my friends.  Are there any tips you guys could give me to what I'm doing wrong? 
    Picture of rig and wax:

  2. that looks nice enough my friend! i don't see a single thing wrong with it. your wax looks beaster too! how does the wax smell?
    with the nail and heating it......
    you dont want to get the nail red hot and then drop your wax immidiately on it. you want to give it a few seconds to cool to the point of vaporizing and not annihilating it.
    here is what i do and it gets me to the sweet spot every time.
    * get my dab ready to go on my little glass pick / wand.
    * remove the dome so my nail is exposed.
    * use your torch to get the nail red fucking hot. a good torch will do it in 10 to 12 seconds.
    * put the dome back on it.
    * start inhaling through your rig then take your tool and drop the dab directly on the nail.
    * suck down the hit and presto, you are all fucked up :metal:
    i have a dome-less nail so i don't use the dome. and the 7 to 8 second wait time is for my nail and the torch i use on it. your time will differ by a few seconds i imagine. basically you want the dab to vaporize over a period of a 1/2 of a second to a full second or so. like it is kind of boiling down in there, creating the vapor. if it instantly disappears with what looks like little vapor it will expand in your lungs and make you choke as well as wasting a portion of the dab due to excess heat. with a little practice you will be dabbing like a champ!
  3. Make sure your nail gets red hot. When you see the whole nail turn red put your dome on and take your dab. You should get your dab ready before you start torching the nail. You shouldn't wait more than a couple seconds after your nail gets back to a normal color, it cools off fast. What you described happens to me when my nail isn't hot enough. So try doing things in a rapid succession.

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