Call it The Happy Place. It would be a forum for posting only good news. There should be no arguing or negativity allowed. And no Politics, obviously. If a thread gets to bummer territory, it gets closed. I just get tired of only finding nastiness and animosity all around. It brings down my liftedness.
Sure, but the trolls will take over anyway. Besides, no argueing is already in the rules. Also if they removed threads with a negative attitude then the assholes would just use it as a technique to get threads deleted that they don't agree with.
Well okay, to clarify... debating is not against the rules as long as it is done respectfully. If a thread starts turning into an argument where people are getting all heated and flaming each other then it's probably going to be closed. But simply having a respectful debate is not against the rules. Regarding the idea for this new forum, I'm just not sure it's really necessary... We try to keep this site bad-vibe free anyway, so a forum like that would basically just be the same idea. I think a better step would just be to report the threads that have only turned into negative arguing and allow the mods to take care of it. IMO, all of GC should be pretty positive vibes. Granted not every thread will be positive, but there's a difference between a thread that just isn't about a positive subject, and people turning regular threads into negative, flaming, argumentative crap. I was hoping I would be the first to mention this.. but this brooshbag beat me to it
got ya bitch! to be honest i was surprised that i didn't see anyone else post it, so i figured i'd take the credit. i only beat you by 2 minutes though!
i just looked at this fourm and if arguing is against the rules y did u reply...THATS AN ARGUMENT PPL
Sometimes there is a POINT when arguing but the way people do it can be disrespectful, i have been disrespectful in a couple of threads so yeah anyways i agree man btw your sig is against the rules.