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House Plants, help please =)

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by bicyclebicycle, Oct 4, 2007.

  1. Alright, so I don't really have the passion to grow, much. Actually, I really don't at all.
    I just want one as a house plant.

    And, I'm completely serious. Haha. This may sound retarded to you, but I want one. Just as a little plant next to my bed. Maybe later in life I'll want to smoke it.

    Do you think it's possible to just plant one like a plant and just let it grow? Or is it completely necessary to do all those things like fert and lights and everything.

    I've had one growing before, but it was a hermie.

    So, I threw it out.

    Is there any way I can just have a female plant growing in my house, just for fun?


    p.s. please get back to me. i'm dead serious.
  2. you can def grow as a house plant if you don't care about smoking it later. just water it once in a while. without sufficient light and nutrients though it probably won't ever look or smoke like the plant you see in all the pictures here.
  3. Its a nice dream but MJ is an annual.After so long they will die.You will get mold or worse.The longer you keep it alive it will eventually hermie.They say that seeds garnered in this way are all fem tho.:smoke:
  4. Well, I figured I'd just plant a new one every couple of months or so. Just plant a seed from one of my bags, let it hang out on my coffee table, and then smoke it.

    Then just do it again.


    Does that seem realistic?

  5. Not true. Cannabis can be kept alive for years under veg lighting.
  6. Yeah, in a clean room with elevated levels of care and maintenance.I think the poster wants a regular joe to hang out with the rest of his ferns and what not.It is possible but IMO, not worth the effort.Besides half the fun is getting them past the first few internodes.
  7. Basically, I'm a girl.

    and I just want a cute houseplant. I think mary jane is beautiful.
    and perhaps i can smoke her.

    but i have enough bank to get a bag if I want it.

  8. just do it then, throw it away if it doesn't work out :D

    post some pics!!! we all are pic fiends here hehe
  9. no offense, but are you Obama Girl? haha that would be funny, sorry im high :smoking:

    i think if you wanted to keep her as a houseplant you would at least need to keep her near a window id say. A few times ive tried growing without enough light and they never got past sprouts. But depending on where you live putting it by a window could be risky.
  10. i am only gonna go along with this half baked plan if you call the plant Thurgood Jenkins, on the account of how brown and wacky its gonna be:D
  11. so basically.


    uhm.. i'll post pictures.

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