House plant?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Xavior, Sep 17, 2002.

  1. I asked this in another thread, but I like this idea more and more as I think about it...

    Can I just grow without all the special lighting/ventilation/etc. and put it under a skylight (or near a window perhaps ;) lol)? Anyone done this before - hows the yield/quality?
  2. I used to live on the top floor of a block, and grew 2 plants on my balconey over the summer, bringing them indoors to flower, but leaving them by the window. Seems to work very well, yield was better than with fluros, but my HPS kisks ass. Main concern is it being over looked, but the skylight sounds like a plan...


  3. the sun light is one of best sources... growing by a window will work... but the size of the plant and p[eople watching is a big issue to keep into consideration... This plant doesnt look normal lol
  4. HI,
    I've started from seed from Jamaica ....sprouted in july on my window indoors they grow ok but after 3 weeks the plants where almost 2 feet tall and standing on the window of a very populated street in England.... well you just have to imagine the rest , and Ishould pointed out that my babys are a bit to smelly to be kept inside ... dont't even think to sleep in same room .....
    P.S I'm now in flowering process after 6 weeks under a 400w sodium lights.I'd 3 plants from 10 seeds 2 female and 1male.The male now sit very proud in my living room as I don't need it now after I cloned the 2 female plants, now they are 6 plants and all female......
    Christmas will be good this year
    good luck

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