House Of Cards

Discussion in 'General' started by Boehmer7, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. Any of you stoners out there watching the Netflix original House Of Cards?
  2. Why use netflix, when you can just download movies and tv shows ? :)
  3. Because in my opinion torrents (which I think is what your referring to using) are a pain to navigate and it's a whoooooole $8 a month
  4. I watched the new series, but I have yet to watch the original, havent gotten around to it at the moment, but Im planning on it. I really liked the American version, and in my experience, the foreign original version of like every tv show and movie is usually better, so Im sure I will like it as well:D
  5. yeah!!! it was fantastic!! can't wait (although i have to) for the next season to drop.. as vp ;)
  6. For sure^^ it'll be crazy! I'm most interested in where the reporters will take their investigation more then anything haa

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