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Hotbox snow fort

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by grassman12, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Hey guys I just wanted to share that I'm building a Huge clambakeing fort! I'll post some pictures when I'm done later.

    Stay baked :smoking:
  2. :laughing: yeah man how big?
  3. I will definitely be checking this thread later.
  4. Now this sounds badass.
    Too bad the post subscriptions arent working cause I'd like to check this shit out later
  5. Me and my cousin made one of these last year. Make sure you carve out little shelves for candles :cool:
  6. We will be waiting for pictures:wave:
  7. My ex and I were gonna do this last year! Tell me how it is!
    As long as you dont smoke like a joint or something giving off a lot of heat it should be finee

  8. You can smoke a joint/blunt in an igloo/snow fort if you've made it's big enough.
  9. Hey guys I'm not totally done but so far it's about 4 and a half feet tall I will finish tomorrow:smoke:
  10. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post pictures. This sounds sweet as hell man!
  11. Yeah man smoke a blunt!
  12. Yea please post pics
  13. pics or didnt happen.

    haha im playing but i had to post something so i can find this later to check for pics.
  14. keep this thread bumped so we stay updated!
    subscriptions don't work :(
  15. sounds likee a pretty sweet idea....
  16. Yeah snow fort or you suck ! :p
  17. GL. I'd lol if it caved in

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