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Hot water bong hits? Or with ice too?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Codee, Jul 12, 2011.

  1. Hm...

    This is odd because cold water seems to do more good than say, lukewarm water... I can't imagine why hot > cold, but cold < warm o_O
  2. ily mogwai
  3. This. Except, speaking from a chemistry perspective, the solubility of a gas actually decreases with temperature. So as you increase the temperature of the bong water, less and less of the resinous gunk is going to be caught in the water and more of it is going to end up in your lungs. That's why I prefer cold.
  4. You.. uh.. I dunno.. Wanna go out for some coffee sometime?
  5. The hot water hits are extremely smooth, but you have to be careful not to get the water too hot because the steam can and will burn your throat.
  6. #26 BBGKush, Jul 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2011
    sure and some breakfast.. (i'm a guy) and a few blunts. (i like vagina). :p

    EDIT: I'm so high.
  7. I needed something smooth and i think i found it. It works better on my messed up lungs then anything so far. (i should highly think of investing in a vape but regardless)
  8. I personally think the steam is a lot easier on your lungs as well, sometimes ice water and ice makes it harsh with all the cold air. I like to put hot water in the bong then throw some ice cubes on the notches and its the perfect mix.
  9. Just a theory because I don't have a bong with an ice catcher yet; but probably because any steam that you gain will just be condensed by the ice so you end up getting just smoke but a lot less steam to your airways.  I have tried lukewarm water in my bong and they do hit smoother.
  10. Hot water hits do work here's why:
    lol it's chemistry basics, the water vapor reacts by attaching itself to water soluble vapors making them less concentrated, you could say that hot water hits are like pouring a shot of vodka into a glass of water and then drinking it vs cold water hits that are like a shot of vodka, that's because nitrogen and oxygen(the two main gasses that make up the air we breath) don't react with the smoke.

    Btw guys never use a hot water and ice combo, all that's going to do is make your hits super dry and you could lose a small amount of thc(5% or less). the water vapor will bond with the smoke like i explained and then the ice will  super cool the water vapor laced hit causing the water vapors to condense and stick to the  ice, leaving you with a super dry hit.
    the reason this dosn't happen when you smoke with cold water is because their is only a small amount of moisture.hence ice has no noticeable affect  so the hits quality stays the same, but the ice still makes it colder making it smother.
    an ice combo would work if you first cooled the smoke than ran it through a hot water chamber.
     Also hot water vapor hits work better if you use a diffuser pic.
    now that you know spread this knowledge and  educate the stoner community so we can end to the confusion and all be on the same page.
  11. I know this topic is 3 years old but hot water traps tar and a lot of the other unfavorable substances in the water better than cold water does.
  12. Yes hot water does make it smooth. If you put ice in it, its just going to melt faster than normal room temperature water or cold water. Stay faded :smoking:
  13. Hot water hits are smooth, but the smoke is less concentrated. Cold ice water hits are condensed so I get bigger hits and are smooth. Room temp is condensed, but not smooth. IME
  14. Cold water hits are better. Hot water and ice makes the ice taste like weed. Its a pretty good taste if you eat the ice though. :lol:
  15. the smoke expands farther away from itself when it's hot too, like have you ever seen a car in cold weather start up and dawn of day and sit there for 2 or 3 minutes? the exhaust is mostly just sitting there near the car in a big fog.  How ever there's sections of the lungs that the air actually goes up into towards the head, cold smoke might have trouble getting to those areas because it's so dense, you could probably get higher with warmer smoke but be careful about the steam kind of smoke because all that moisture in your lungs makes it hard for the cleaning cells to clean the lungs, it's too gunky.  also that's what neumonia is, water build up in the lungs, you probably don't want to get a headstart on that, and with all the gunk they'll be filling up pretty fast trying to wash gunk away.
  16. Pneumonia is contracted through bacteria, not by hot or cold water. Just like you don't automatically get a cold or the flu from being in the cold because those are viruses, you won't automatically get pneumonia from this.
  17. It's smoother but I can't say it helps the taste.
  18. I made a post about this a long time ago after hearing it from somewhere on the internet. I don't remember where though. I tried it but personally it didn't make much of a difference.
  19. says the guy that looks like a crook
  20. A very educated crook.
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