Hot girls are so f'ing stupid

Discussion in 'General' started by Murs, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. It's not fair to generalize women like's NOT just the way the species is.
    "You ever do some dumb shit when your mad....That's how a woman thinks all the time?" Wtf?? Where did you get this from?
    I'm a woman, I'm an INTJ personality....I don't think with emotion, I think with as much intellect and reasoning as anyone with a dick does.
    And honestly, every relationship I've ever been in, I'VE been the one to be chill and reasonable, and it's always the man getting all emotional and sprung on me.
    For some reason, your posts always irk me.....sorry man, not trying to be mean but you seem to talk like you know everything.....even how a woman thinks LOL.

  2. okay i wouldnt, but id only prefer the guidos a LITTLE bit.
  3. And I don't think it's hot girls that are stupid. I think it's the ones that spend all their day doing their hair/makeup/nails/going shopping/going through relationship drama/etc. instead of taking time to develop their minds/reading/studying/going on GC :D
  4. I've found literally 1 hot intelligent chick my whole life, the rest fall to society and there norms, it's odd but fascinating at the same reason as why they are so dumb.
  5. #25 1Trismegistus1, Sep 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2010

    Women are emotional, men are more cold and intellectual. There are masculine women, and feminine men, and not in appearance or actions necessarily, but in personality. If you AVERAGE it out, more women are emotional, and more men are intellectual thinkers. No need to get your panties in a bunch, a generalization is based on just that, the general behavior of a group. Is that any better? Just like theres smart hot girls, but a lot of them don't bother developing a strong intellect because they find at a young age they can use their looks and sweetness to get what they want. Pick up a psychology book, your bound to find the same kind of observations.

    as for my example of anger, it's something more men can identify with. We could even go with love, where a man will murder another man who sleeps with his wife, when it is clearly the wife who is at fault more than the other man I'm not saying women make stupid decisions based on emotions all the time, but often they'll allow emotions to play a larger factor in decision making, whereas men can ignore their feelings more often and make a decision based on the cold facts rather than how they feel about them. It's hard to explain without it sounding sexist, so I'm not gonna dig a bigger hole.

    are you an absolutely gorgeous female smelly? lol if not, it's much more likely you've developed a good personality where people like you for you and not just your looks.

  6. [​IMG]
  7. well all jersey shore girls are ugly as shit in my opinion put not all hot girls are stupid... actully not many stupid girls i know are hot so.. yeah thats not true.but they are stupid as in they screw there relationship up with their bf so they can get with me and have a fuck session :D
  8. Never herd of this Jersey Shore. So I guess i'm the good guy here because I never contributed to helping douchebags make more money then good people! :)

  9. *sigh* Despite my vagina, I have picked up psychology books before, oh and some other books too, including People magazine! :hello:

    But seriously, I don't think you've actually "averaged" anything out yourself, I think you are just judging the sexes based off of society's expectations and stereotypes. Society says women are over-emotional and unreasonable, TV and movies portray them as such...they have been portrayed as such forever in our culture, and I believe this actually causes some women to act this way. But this does not mean that this is actually what "normal" women are like. One could argue that women have been portrayed this way because men held such a dominant place in society up until very recently, and honestly if I was being forced to work as a house wife with no option of schooling or working, and was forced to submit to the word of my husband, then yeah I'd probably seem over emotional and depressed too! In addition, men are also conditioned by our culture to NOT show emotions, so even if they may feel something, they are much less inclined to show it than women are for fear of being labeled a "sissy".

    This perception of women is outdated though. I've seen just as many men act overly emotional, and I'm sure you have too....just look at the Sex Love and Relationships board on's full of men showing *gasp* emotions!

    But honestly, I really don't care whether you think women are emotional or not, I agree with you that women seem by average to be more emotional, but you also have to think about what is influencing this perspective. I really think that both sexes are overly emotional, lol.

    But the thing that you keep saying that is making me offended, is that men are more "intellectual". In what fucked up psychology book did you read this?? How is emotion related to intellect? I don't see your logic.
  10. Wow, considering the plethora of posts from guys talking about hooking up and breaking up in the real life section, I don't think our gender has room to talk. Referring to women as bitches and stereotyping them isn't going to win you any points either.

    What about the individual (he shall remain nameless) who broke up with this girlfriend to date her best friend? Or SEVERAL threads talking about hooking up with their best friend's girlfriend or wondering if a blowjob is considered cheating? Throwing stones and glass houses, folks.

    I've met numerous highly intelligent "hot girls" in college as students and professors. My girlfriend happens to be one of them. I think you're confusing intellect with immaturity. There is a difference.

  11. Crap, my life is like Jersey Shore?
    Thats fucked up
  12. Your misunderstanding me when I say intellectual thinkers. I'm not saying men are smarter, it's just that men will often times use cold reasoning without interference of emotion. Look at it this way, when a kid is kicked out of the house for being disobedient or doing drugs, it is much more often the father (who loves the child as well as the mother) who will make this decision based on cold reasoning, where as a mother will not be so quick to let the child go out into the cruel world to learn what they are taking for granted at home. The mother will go with a gentler option of trying to rehabilitate a kid to act more appropriately by hoping her love and support will help the child come to realization, where as a father will take the harder option of letting the kid experience loss to learn his lesson to become rehabilitated. A male is much more likely to employ "tough love" than a woman. Hopefully that example helped clear up what I meant by intellectual thinking.

  13. Haha uh, I just wouldn't go around saying that men are more intellectual thinkers than women....that could seriously offend some people, just sayin'.
    I'm not trying to battle with you or anything....we are fellow tokers...I just wanted to put in my .02 cents and defend my fellow females.
    Hopefully with the power of mary jane we can put this behind us and be friends :wave::D:smoke:

  14. [​IMG]

    And you're probably one of the ones whose "Balls" are property of their girlfriend.

    Edit: You, Yourself cannot determine if your girlfriend is hot, Without proof. Jus sayin
  15. Sounded like she was actually saying "I'd rather be alone" or "I'd rather not be with you right now" to me.
  16. That was a pretty emotional post :p

  17. some posters might just be trying to troll in the real life section.

  18. haha! true shit:wave:
  19. #39 newbienewton, Sep 26, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2010
    I don't have your cultural biases. Among my mother's people it's a matriarchal society. The clan as well as possessions are passed down from the mother's side, not the father's side.

    So your ad hominem attack on my masculinity is a little ridiculous.

    I don't post The Girl's pic on this site because I respect her privacy. Doesn't matter one whit whether you believe me or not. I'm the one getting sexed up by a freaky hot redhead. :D
  20. So in a matriarchal society......

    Male= Beta?

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