sup gc? well, just this morning, I went to help my brother housesit at our buddies house in town. I brought the last 2 grams of my super frosty buds with me to make things interesting, keep in mind I brought them in a pill container. Our buddy has a few dogs, and part of our job was to take care of them and mind their ins & outs while he's gone, but we had them inside with us. So there we are, cheifin' and chillin' watching t.v, and I go to load another bowl up, and leave the pill container sitting under my coat on the bed. Just then, my brother let's the dogs back in the room, and 2 of the 3 just jump up on the bed. One starts nuzzling and trying to lick my face violently, and the other is just kinda rummaging and being hyper on the bed. What I didn't see when that dog got up in my face, was the other dog nuzzling under my coat, grabbing my pill bottle, and running off with it. Fast forward to 15 minutes later, we decide we want another fat bowl, so I go to grab the bottle, and it's straight up missing. I look everywhere for it, on the bed, under the bed, all around the house, not knowing what the fuck happened to it. It then occurs to me that one of the dogs could have grabbed it and ran off somewhere. , but it didn't worry me becuase it's in a container sealed tight. These aren't tough dogs. I go to look some more only to realize that my nearly-new pack of menthols is missing from the same spot, too. I find these, pack slightly dented, across the room near the closet. I quickly get a rollicking "oh shit" sensation as I look into the closet, and there on a doggy bed, lay a chewed-to-shit and flattened pill container, with ratty, gnawed to fuck pieces of bud strewn around it. all my shit gone, and nothing I can do. damn. EDIT: There was a point to this. too high to finish it earlier, lol. I got the herb from our buddy, since they are his dogs, would it be the right thing to do for him to replace the herb? Or even a couple bowls, the dog made away with about a half 1/8th of pricey good buds.
My dog has eaten a bag that was 7-8 grams. ALL of it. (Dogs must like the taste of weed...) She just sat on my couch, like, all day. Staring at the floor/walls rocking back and forth slowly.
I used the closest thing to me, my finger's. Wasn't that hard , as I'm sure the bud wasn't making her stomach any less queasy. Now when the bitch come's around, she take's one sniff of the bag and head's the other way; knowing damn well what would be unleashed upon her if she took a little nibble.
My dog ate a half of my weed one day, so when I got enough money to get another one. "Now this may be cruel but I didn't beat the bitch to death like most" I a paper towel roll and stuck around her nose and smoked 3 bowls and blew here charges. She was fucked up, and everytime I come around her with weed now she tries to avoid me.
Update : that very night, when my guy got back, he did replace the half 1/8th with one full of AK-47 SO I am repaid & very satisfied.