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Horrible tasting smoke

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by edd.excessive, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. Ive been picking up the same hash and skunk for a while now from the same guy. The skunk isnt anything special but i get a gram and a half more for every £20 then i would for the better shit. IVe also been using the same bubbler for about 4 months now.

    Since i pickedup monday from this dude- 4 eigths of skunk and 11 grams of Red seal Hash all for £95- whenever i smoke the smoke has a Really nasty unbearable taste which makes me cough and choke and makes smoking very unpleasant. IVe also been getting headaches the last few days. I cleaned my bubbler massivly yesterday thinking id accidently smoked some nylon fibres or sumthing and containimated my piece. It went from black with sticky resin to sparkling clear.... but my weed still tastes real shitty.

    Ive smoked one and a half of the eigths of skunk and about 3 grams of hash and its all been absolutly nasty. Ive been checking my fingers under bright lights before handling buds, checking to see if theyve got tiny hairs and fibres on them. Ive smoked the hash by itself and the skunk by itself and stilll nasty taste!!!!

    really pissing me off.... if i smoke spliffs with tobbaco i cant taste it but i much prefer a nice bowl or three. Ima gonna clean my bubbler again and maybe clean my grinder. Also some of the skunk tasted sweet (not the buds though so i doubt there sprayed) they appeared to be yellow crumbs which were sweet so mabye he was eating a cookie over the buds?
  2. Don't know what to tell you for sure, but it sounds to me like the stuff you picked up wasn't cured properly. Properly cured bud should taste lovely, and a very good cure job can make even pretty average bud MUCH more appealing to smoke.
  3. so should i just let it sit in a glass jar? i dunno it definatly tastes very different from anything iv ever smoked in the last 5years of pretty much constinly blazing. I think it must be contanimated... i dunno
  4. Anything unusual about the bud? If you've cleaned your bubbler and all that it must be the weed. Do the weed and hash have the same horrible taste?
    Could be contaminated. That shit's probably more common in the UK than anywhere else, I've had it a few times. What you got for £95 is pretty good, maybe your dealer realised it was sprayed and wanted rid of it?
  5. Yeha I was gonna suggest that you clean your tools for some black gold but it looks like you already did that. Stinks dude :O
  6. Idk man be super carful with that don't want any nasty shit in your lungs..., but is it anything like a weed taste at all, I mean does it still taste like your smoking herb even?
  7. It sounds like it was flushed improperly in the last stage of growing.
  8. Is it moldy? Either way, like said before, sounds like your dealer knows whats up and was trying to get rid of it... but idk. Either way I would trash it and find new smoke from a new guy...
  9. it sounds like you just bought some low quality herb that wasn't flushed well or at all
  10. Sounds like I would no longer continue smoking that bud and hash and find new herb and maybe a new dealer if that happens again. I read on another thread that people smoking bud sprayed with silicon had harsh smoke and gave them headaches after multiple days of smoking it. Even if that's not it, still sounds like the bud isn't right, and I like my lungs, so I definitely would just toss it :)

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