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Horny about Weed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dildodaggins, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Haha as i've been readin through some threads lately i've noticed people puttin like winking faces after sayin shit like SMOKE THAT SHIT! you guys fuckin horny for weed or something? lol sorry im blazed :smoke:
  2. Yea bro i see a pic of dat greeeen and i get a boner and just want to smoke the SHIT OUT OF IT.

  3. Have you guys read The Corrections? This thread is reminstcient of one part.
  4. Pop a woody err time :ey:
  5. Hah, hell yeah guys smoke up;)
  6. "Do I make you horny?" - Austin Pow-weedleaf.
  7. Marijuana in my soul...marijuana in my heart!:d:d
  8. That baby is makin me geek lol
  9. Has anyone in this thread actually, like completely honestly, gotten horny about weed? i used to get super stoked to smoke when i was younger

  10. Stoked and horny are two TOTALLY different things :devious:
  11. asif weed doesnt make you horny :smoke:

  12. :smoke:
  13. this.
  14. But for real, anyone ever gotten a boner thinkin bout weed? lol no homo guys
  15. Occasionally i will get a boner on the 7 or 8th hit of a j

  16. Haha i'm laughing fucking hard.

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