Has anybody had any problems just unplugging HDMI cord from settop box port and then plugging that into HDMI port on laptop? The other end of cord is already plugged into TV. Only have 1 HDMI cord.
Im no computer wiz but I did connect my laptop to my hdtv. Make sure you enable the tv to be your second monitor under "display", you may have to change your resolution too. Thats about the extent of what I know...
yeah. right click on your desktop and get to your display properties, then go to the monitors tab i think, you should be able to pick your tv on there once its plugged in, and you might ahve to mess with teh resolution. is your tv 1080p or 720p?
720p...was wondering if anybody heard of problems happening by unplugging the HDMI cable from the cable company's TV settop box...
if you have a desktop somewhere you can just take the cord from there that goes in the monitor and plug that in the laptop/tv.
Nope, I do it all the time, plug in.. pull it out, just like with the ladies. HDMI is univesal they can all be used for the same things. You could do it this way too, but you won't get any sound through the tv and odds are it won't be in HD. HDMI on a laptop is the sickkest ever. Now my 42inch plasma is my monitor. (insert menacing laugh here.)
I have the screen working on my laptop to an HDTV. I have the DVI and VGA converter connected to my HDTV. I just want to know why my games to display. I have tried many games like Condemned, Far Cry, but apparently none of them.