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Hookah size and Weed.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Tromper, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. Hey y'all. Whats good?

    I know this is a rather dumb question (and probably wrong forum to ask it as well) but I wanted to get your opinion.

    I have a hookah that I've only used to smoke shisha out off. Its pretty big, the base is c.a 50 cm // 20 inches. I know that the longer the base is, the better filtered the smoke is.
    My friend found some weed leftovers he had today and we were going to smoke it tonight, and I was wondering if we could mix it into the shisha without the good stuff being filtered out. (Its less than a gram, I think).

    We are in a small cabin with our wifes (they don't smoke weed, for the record) in the middle of nowhere, and we don't have any ciggies nor rolling paper. So I figured the hookah is our only option it we wanted to fire it up.

    Thank you all, and pardon my English, its not my native language.

  2. I love hookah ya you can just mix it in and you will be best helps to layer shisha then weed then a little shisha on top to prevent burning everything. It will just take a little longer to get a full high
  3. yea just mix it into the middle of the sisha. should get you loaded. its a different type of high. its kind of a creeper, but it works great.
  4. So it doesn't matter how long the base is?

    Allright, thank you guys! ..

  5. Haha your english is better than 90% of the native speakers here. And yes, this is in the right forum. You should mix it in well with the shisha, or do as the person before me said, and layer it. Itll work.
  6. well generally smoking weed out of a hookah is pretty inefficient, but if it is your only devise I'd put it in with the shisha as long as it is your hookah, some people don't like weed in their hookah.
  7. If you mix less than a gram in a full bowl of shisha, don't expect much high from the weed. I'd just hit the weed straight then continue smoking the hookah tobacco..
  8. #8 Tromper, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    I'll just give it a go, if we don't feel any, so be it.

    thanks for the advice! :)

    I'll have to wash it afterwards, I hear it can clog up the pipe.
  9. It can clog it up but you would have to be smoking like a large tangiers phunnel bowl packed with weed to get close to clogging it up but you should clean it regardless.
  10. yea you can mix it up... but i feel like it doesent do the job as well, its better to pack it with shisha and then put all the weed on top... that works madd good!!! happy toking
  11. #11 Tromper, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    On top of the shisha? ..

    Hm, I've heard it burns the weed more rapidly than putting it in the middle, or mixing it up, and therefore wasting the good stuff. Since we don't have that much anyway I think we'll just put some shinsha in the bottom, and then mix it up on top of that. Maybe 1/4 weed.?


    Yeah I always clean my hookah after a smoke. Just common sense ;)
  12. idk man i did that with a gram once and two people and it got me effed in the A, like my firend forgot to breath high, just dont pack it up to far, like leave a little space, and we felt the weed all the way down, when i smoked it with the shisha and bud mixed it was ok but didnt feel as fucked up as weed on top ....

    Just personal experiance....

    also if its on top you get all the weed in secession , if not on top i would say instead of mixing it at least make a pure week layer in between two layers of tobacco...
  13. Allright man, We're gonna give it a go.

    Thanks for your time!

  14. I was about to say that...
  15. its a waste, its only worth it if you have the weed to waste and the amount.

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