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Hookah and it's sudden popularity

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by YoooJess, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. I've been to a hookah lounge one time with some friends from made me dizzy and nauseous my question is what effect is hookah supposed to give u? Are you supposed to feel relaxed afterwards? would you rather smoke mids or hookah?
  2. hookshits and sheefucks
  3. i'd rather smoke mids ; regular hookah taste like shit and it isnt supposed to give you any effects really lol ,
  4. My buddies Have a Kalil Mammoon (spelling?). We mixed weed with the hookah. It was an amazing Head high. It was a great time we all smoked and talked for what seemed like ages. :smoke:
  5. My buddy picked up a pretty big hookah just recently, so we both had a pure weed smoke session with it and I have to say not bad.

    It was kinda chill to sit there with a friend and smoke the same shit at the same time aha.
  6. what/where about hukka is suddenly popular? just curious
  7. They make my head feel like shit.
  8. I just get dizzy.
    Like..a super strong cig buzz.

  9. [​IMG]
    lol Finally a chance to use this meme!!! :hello::smoke:
    Really, though, that's kind of the point. It's tobacco and still has nicotine, so you can't just go at it like crazy if you're not used to it because nicotine makes you sick if you consume too much of it.
  10. Yeah, I get warm and nauseous.

    I don't like tobacco. I use steam stones (tobacco-free rocks) in my hookah if I feel silly and wanna try out some smoke tricks.
  11. hahahaha

    Man asked how you are supposed to feel.
    Im just tellin him how I feel haha.

    But yeah, if I sit and puff on it for too long Ill start gettin a headache.
    They got some interesting flavors though. Key lime pie was the last I smoked.
    Tasted nothing like key lime pie..:(
  12. Just think of taking a bong rip loaded with a cig. No thank u.
  13. Everyone whos getting a headache or nasty flavors.. Probably because youre using quicklight coals and buying the overhyped tasteless mainstream brands of shisha that they have in hookah bars. Switch to natural coals and pick up some nakhla mizo or tangiers and im sure the word hookah would take on a different meaning for you

  14. It's absolutely nothing like that at all. :rolleyes:
  15. I just love sitting there and blowing Os and shit haha.
    It could entertain me for hours if it didnt give me a headache.
  16. #16 hope2toke, Aug 2, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2012
    blackleaf28 is correct. Many inferior brands contain all kinds of nasty additives; molasses, and other stuff that produces way more tar in the smoke and may cause nausea or vomit. Hukka can be smooth but it takes the correct coals (NOT instant light coals) and the right quality shit. as far I know the slow light coals are smaller so it heats the plant material giving a nice consistency without the ceramic bowl piece heating up to the point it bakes the smokes. this also allows for more air flow through the bowl instead of stopping it up the huge coal. It takes longer to get the same quantity of smoke but worth it.
  17. Can someone explain to me how smoking weed in a hookah would work? The only reason shisha works so well and burns so long is Becuase its wet.. Weed is so dry.. How could a bowl last more than like 5 hits????
  18. [quote name='"Buttery"']Can someone explain to me how smoking weed in a hookah would work? The only reason shisha works so well and burns so long is Becuase its wet.. Weed is so dry.. How could a bowl last more than like 5 hits????[/quote]

    you can make moassel (shisha) out of weed very easily. Mix weed with some molasses and a small amount of vegetable glycerin. bake at a low oven setting for 2 hours. Let cool and add another small amount of v.g.

    now you can load it up properly, apply foil and coals, and be puffing away constantly for an hour off 3 grams or so

    of course SOME people just put weed in the bowl and light it, or mix weed with regular shisha -_- This is stupid, a waste, and will last 5 seconds. If youre doing this you may as well get a bong
  19. #19 Verdurous, Aug 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2012
    You don't smoke the weed dry in a hookah. You can either mix some ground weed in your shisha or you can layer the weed in the shisha (load with a bit of shisha, then put some weed in, then some more shisha, then weed, then a little more shisha). Using these methods, it smokes well and compliments the shisha. It also seems to conserve weed because it burns so thoroughly. Or, as the guy above me suggested, you can make homemade shisha out of weed, though I'd recommend just mixing it with some high quality shisha. [​IMG]
  20. like others have said, you smoke shisha (molassis, honey, glycerin, fruit flavors, and tobacco) through your hookah to give you a buzz. some people don't get buzz, and some shisha isn't strong enough to give you one. i for, one, have always gotten a buzz. i have a green egyptian hookah with cobra hoses that cost 120 dollars. it's relaly nice. i recommend al fakkar or starbuzz flavors :)

    and most people's obsession with hookah actually stems from the fact that it doesn't leave tar, tastes good, and people love to do smoke tricks with it

    fyi if you get uncomfortably lightheaded, nauseous, or get a headache, it's because you're smoking too fast. try to do less tricks and focus more on three inhales a minute boss ;)

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