The honors college dorms I live in here on campus have been reeking up a storm ( away!) but yesterday was a big tour day. The scent was extra strong on most floors all day and parents touring the area were starting to notice. Tonight the cops went floor by floor busting as many people as they could. They got my roommate/pledgebrother and another of our brothers and almost a few more of us. Literally EVERYBODY in here smokes in their dorm rooms. Now what this issue brings up is important... If the entire HONORS COLLEGE dorms are reeking of bud and full of stoners, and the cops who come in are bitching at us about having to waste their time busting us as opposed to working on all the armed robberies in the area, who the FUCK is benefitting from the laws and crackdowns? We're taking the brightest of our students, seeing them smoke weed, and throwing them in jail, marring their records before they can even get degrees. We're pissing off people who have to go to work to track down a fucking weed and they're pissing off kids who would otherwise just be smoking a bowl and going about their lives of friends, homework, and relaxation. Is this not saying - sorry, make that SHOUTING something?! While I'm writing this I'm killing the hours until I can go pick up my roommate from the shithole and figure out what we need to change tomorrow, but I'm thinking about what we all need to change in the very near future. We need to figure out whatever the hell it takes to get the reality out to the masses - cannabis is good - or at least, not as bad as the problems our current system creates. I always speak out in support of decriminalization and education on the subject, but something bigger needs to happen - but there's the issue every one of us stoners has been thinking about for's only a matter of time. So here's to provoking some thoughts, supporting change, and freeing good people from cages
I don't know about your school but at mine you can't drink alcohol in the dorms...and that's legal. They deserved it for being irresponsible and disrespectful.
Good luck smoking outside. You can't find anywhere without patrol cars within a 20 minute walk. Here around campus the cops exist to give out petty fines and grow to give out more petty fines. Now the safest place anywhere on campus is in dorm rooms. You can say "they deserved it" all day but that never takes into account whether or not their crime is really a crime so much as ignoring a rule that is not followed and probably shouldn't be in the grand scheme of things. People are gonna smoke bud. If the smartest kids on campus are finding it worth the risk and still getting caught, who is this helping?
This X 10000000000 I vaporize all day long in my apartment that you can smell when anyone is even cooking food all up and down the halls and I can never smell anything outside my room. Honors kids should be smart enough to realize vaporizing you get a better high and is healthier for you on top of little to no odor. Sucks to hear and I have to agree with you on it makes no sense.
where do you go to school man. That's really shitty I haven't heard of any college being that strict on weed. Mostly kids I know smoke outside or at a friends house in an apartment. I would work on finding a better spot than your dorm and lay low on the dorm blazing for a while. Good luck to you and your friend
[quote name='"beatadrum"'] This X 10000000000 I vaporize all day long in my apartment that you can smell when anyone is even cooking food all up and down the halls and I can never smell anything outside my room. Honors kids should be smart enough to realize vaporizing you get a better high and is healthier for you on top of little to no odor. Sucks to hear and I have to agree with you on it makes no sense.[/quote] Smoking is so much better than vaping. A few fat rips off a decent sized bong is gonna get you way more fucked up then a couple little vape hits
The baby-boomers are starting to get into pot again. Which old farts are you talking about? Its politico we have to change.
Don't do it in the dorms. That's disrespectful to not only the RA's but other students. Not every student smokes, not every student or person that enters your dorm wants to smell it. Find a friend that lives off campus or something. Just don't do it in the dorms, that's asking to get caught. If you honor students are as smart as you think you are I guarantee you can find a way without getting caught, I always did outside when I was in college and I was a C student lol.
The older folks around 40+ The 30-40 group is kinda divided. Some are more open minded but some have been heavily indoctrinated by previous generations. Yes we do have to change politics but who is the predominant demographic of US politics...old farts.
I feel your pain man. On the last weekend before graduation my roommates and I went camping. Just nice to get out before the real-world. We had some drinks n green.. long story short we got arrested for possession and paraphernalia 1 week before graduation for doing what? Sitting in the woods with some weed? We weren't bothering anyone or causing problems, just camping like normal people. Told my parents 1 week for graduation. Sucked. $7,000 later to the state.. all is forgiven... sure
[quote name='"FuckBeerGetWeed"'] Smoking is so much better than vaping. A few fat rips off a decent sized bong is gonna get you way more fucked up then a couple little vape hits[/quote] Your kidding right?
We use sploofs and turn on the shower in the middle of the suite and towel all the doors and have air fresheners and fbreeze but there's no way to keep it perfect without a vape, and personally, I would rather not have an obvious piece around. A little bowl we can toss is much better.