To those who gave the greatest sacrifice for our country, Thank you.
To them i say wise up brothers and sisters. The wars are not in the name of peace,rather its a rich mans wars who are making religions, and the people kill each other to make space for there elitist conquest. Talk about a purge
I no longer remember our soldiers during memorial day. I instead remember the japanese that died in Wwll and the kids that died in the middle east at the hands.of our soldiers. If anyone supports our troops then they support a full withdrawel of armed forces and an abolishment of government Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
That is a rather twisted way of thinking. </blockquote>How is that a twisted way of thinking? I support innocent victims. You support "brave men and women who died protecting our country" (terrorists) I used to wonder if you were just some misguided Democrat like I used to be. I never thought you'd call.someone twisted for wanting to remember the innocent kids that died in Hiroshima. That's pretty fucked up dude. Murica! Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
You seem to have forgotten all about Pearl Harbor. And even the Japenese actions prior to that. They were invading Countries well before we entered the fray, but now all you remember is our putting an end to the war. PS - not calling you twisted, just the line of thinking that brought about your conclusions.
You seem to have forgotten all about Pearl Harbor. And even the Japenese actions prior to that. They were invading Countries well before we entered the fray, but now all you remember is our putting an end to the war. PS - not calling you twisted, just the line of thinking that brought about your conclusions. </blockquote> All right then. I agree the Japanese government wasn't innocent. But we dropped a nuke on them... I look around me after 911 and still I see how many Americans didn't want to go to war with alquida. I can't hope but wonder how many Japanese civilians didn't even want to enter wwll before being whiped from existance. War is never justified. Not the attack on Pearl harbor. Not the invasion of Iraq. Not the bombing of the middle east. None of it is justified. Its just powerfully men playing a game and we are the ones suffering. No one is saving anything. No one is protecting anyone. Its just real life chess and we are slave pawns Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Yeah because they decided to do that. I'm not saying there aren't fucked up people in the military doing bad things, but turn your rage towards the government who sends them there to do it. Most of the people in the military are just people who are poor, didn't have the money for college, or didn't know what to do with their lives. The moment they join the military they are given the full monty of propaganda and then sent off to an unknown land where they are taught to trust no one and shoot first, ask questions later. If somebody walked up, and hit you with a pen, would you fight the pen or the person?
What line of thinking? That needlessly slaughtering cities full of civilians is wrong? What's twisted about honoring the lost innocent lives of one of the worst terrorist attacks in world history? Those fallen Japanese deserve to be remembered just as much as anyone else. His line of thinking seems to be the moral kind.
Read it again in perspective. The Japanese that dies at the hands of our soldiers were their soldiers, yet ours don't deserve to be remembered? He did clarify in the follow-ups that his message was meant for their civilians. Hindsight can be 20-20, but that deserved a challenge.
Damn right they did. There's no draft right now, they joined up knowing full well what they'd have to do. Not even considering they should realize what an abusive structure the united states military system is. Don't get me wrong tho. I don't blame them, I blame the system. In a way they're just as much victims, but this hero worship is absurd.
Fucking stupid how still to this day humans fight and war of trivial pursuits. Even with all the knowledge we have saying how all humans are connected threw Hominid Lucy and how WARS damage everything from the environment to emotions. People know all this is wrong yet continue the path of oblivion
You seem to forget that the US provoked Pearl Harbor through economic warfare. He clearly said that he wants to remember the innocent kids that were nuked. WW2 was all about imperialism, the balance of power and stealing oil and land in the pacific. I agree with yuri, we should remember those who have been slaughtered by the US, not the murderers who did the slaughter.
Are you kidding me? First off, who is advocating hero worship? I'm telling you, your anger is misdirected, so to bring that up is pointless. Second, these people don't sign up to kill children, and your notion that they do is idiotic. No one briefs them on what goes on in the middle east and almost nobody in this country is actually well-informed of the atrocities the American government commits on a daily basis, so for you to say they know full well what they're doing is ludicrous. Your blaming them for their ignorance, which really isn't fair. You say you don't blame them, but you say they know full and well that they sign up to go kill children?
Clearly? No read it again. What do you think brought about those sanctions? Hint it was the Japanese that were expanding.
Governments aren't damaged by war, unless they lose. The winning side usually gains in power, wealth, control, etc. The harm done to everyone and everything else is of no concern to the ruling class. Peace and government are almost mutually exclusive, with some exceptions like Switzerland. The core cause of war imo is that tendency in man to desire to rule over others. That's the main cause of war and statism in general. Until this tendency lessens, or the opposite tendency of peaceful cooperation strengthens and overpowers it, war and destruction will continue.
The best thing about the military, is that the ID they give you can get you discounts at many businesses. You would be surprised at just how many businesses offer a military discount. Don't be hesitant to ask an employee at a business.