I have a bong with a honeycomb perc and I don't really know how to clean it. The bowls that get sucked through are stuck in the bottom and a lot of the combs aren't getting any smoke through. What's a good way to clean the perc.
i sugest you get yoursel some isopropal 99% (rubbing alcohol) and some epsom salts. these can both be purchased at walmart for under 20$. then pour hot water in your bong only up to your honey comb and then add both the salt and the alchohol in the bong and just shake it. i usually stuff paper towel in the mouth piece and stem so the liquid inside the bong doesnt get everywhere. after your finished shaking the bong just pour out the brown bullshit water and rinse it throughly with water. that should fix ur problem
I have a honeycomb to showerhead and when it pulls through my honeycomb it's stuck between the percs and I CAN NOT GET IT OUT! 91% ISO doesn't work, but grunge off's super soaker cleans it brand new!!! it's no more than 17$ and it's reusable so save it and enjoy!!!