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Honey Bee

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by rmfootball69, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. I've been starting to make some honey oil, and the only way i've done it so far is the alcohol through a coffee filter method. I've been looking to expand and pick up a honeybee extractor because after I went to make my own and couldnt find anything recomended I figured it would be just as easy to grab one of these things. I dont care that id be paying 20 extra bucks for the same thing I can go build, because I've already attempted to and honestly I'm just too lazy haha. So, where can I find one of these things? I've been looking all over, edit used to carry them and no longer has them and (I believe) none of the headshops around town have any. Suggestions? Once i tried hash oil theres no way ill just be able to go back to making the same old iso hash with my keif/shit bud so I'm in desperate need for a tool as useful as this.
  2. Noone? I couldnt find anything recent in the search
  3. probably the best solution would be to take a tuck in a tuck now what?

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