Honey Bee Extractors! (Making Honey Oil)

Discussion in 'Concentrate Tools' started by 4FootHits, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. hey grass-ctiy, I was wondering if anyone has experience with this Honey Bee Extractor, Im planning on making some oil for the first time. :bongin::bongin:
    I understand I need to grind all my shake to complete powder, and fill it up and fill the honey bee extractor with butane after.. but do I have to use the whole butane can??

    Thanks all I appreciate the help! :)


    Attached Files:

  2. ive heard 1 can per oz, but ive already heard 1 can per 1/4.

    check out the harvesting and processing section of the grow forum
  3. i thought you were gonna say
    " i have a bunch of weed plants
    and a nest of bees pollinating them
    and im using the oil!!"

    i was about to say..holy shit

    thats still kool tho
    cant answer your question tho sorry
  4. #4 4FootHits, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    Good call, and thanks I`ll check it out right now. Toke on man! :smoking:

    Ive been looking around on the harvesting section, and Im wondering how do you get your oil to end up like this?? :)


    By the way, that is jd4083`s picture!
  5. use quality product that you would smoke, kief, choice nugs, super good trim w/ popcorn.
    do a first run with the nugs whole or broken up into bowl size nugs.
    do a 2nd run with material ground
    good purge(multiple hot water baths or leaving it sit over night on a heating pad)
  6. Are you saying grind up the nugs that were done in the first run, for the second run?

    And wont you get the most if the weed is grinded to powder.. and thanks for the info man, I appreciate it! :smoking::smoking:
  7. its recommended to leave it in small chunks for the first run, then if you do it a second time, grind it up
  8. youtube making BHO and you should be all set
  9. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5E-dOGv0AE]YouTube - Making Butane Honey Oil[/ame]

    I found that video where he is using the same Honey Bee Extractor, but there is no information on how much butane was used... and I dont think he grinded his bud up either, lol.

    Im just curious weather I should use a full can of butane if I fill that entire Honey Bee Extractor full of powder. :smoking:

    Thanks for the replys all, toke on!! :)
  10. Google

    im to lazy to actually read the shit but its there

    i almost burnt my house down making BHO. im sure it wont happen to you because it was out of stupidity though, im just throwing that in there. true story:eek:
  12. #12 4FootHits, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    Yah, Im too lazy to read through that shit too.. but from the pictures youve observed here, can someone give me any advice that I may need, any input would be appreciated.. (other then forwarding me to other websites.... lol) ;) :smoking::smoking:

    Haha much appreciated. Dont worry, Im going to do it in a very well ventilated area (my shed) lol.. How long do you think I should let the oil sit for, atleast 24 hours I imagine for the butane to evaporate completely.. :)

    Thanks for the replys all, keep getting lifted grass cityy!!
  13. you said you wanted the high quality rock stuff. what i told you should get that,yes, if you grind it to a fine powder you will get more quantity but you will lack in quality. if your nugs are fluffy do them whole, if not, then like the size of a paintball. run a can or 2 through. grind those nugs, repack tube then run another 2 or 3 cans through into another dish.
  14. Ahh I see, sorry I misunderstood you. Wicked, now I`m excited.. That makes sense, but are you sure 2 or 3 whole cans? (like the ones I have in the picture).. Because thats alota butane, lol :)

    Thanks for the reply tho man, much appreciated!! :smoking:
  15. idk man, ive never used a honey bee. it should say in the instructions. what ever you use, personally i would use a little less the first batch then a little more the 2nd run. good luck. be safe.
  16. I'm not the most knowledgeable on BHO as I've never done it myself but I have read that the purity of the butane can largely effect the final product. So make sure what you have is refined and high quality.
  17. correct. quintuple refined
  18. good luck post some pics with the final results please lol :D
  19. #19 4FootHits, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    lol will do.

    Thanks man, I appreciate the advice either way.. There are instructions lol its pretty easy to use. Toke on friend.. :)

    Thanks grasscity for the replys :smoking:
  20. Soo. whats the recommended purity of the butane.. :smoking:

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