Has anybody here had or have a gay dealer? I'm talking so you can hear it in their voice, or if they act really flamboyant, or anything of that nature. Just thought of this when I was high.. haha. I myself, have not had one.
fags take it up the ass too much to sell bud not cool, homophobic slurs are not welcome here Slinger obvious joke was obvious....
I'm not saying I'm against it; I'm friends with quite a few gay men/women. I was just curious, that's all.. and i've never really seen a thread about it.
I'm bi leaning gay. But I'm not flamboyant. You have to be around me for awhile to maybe catch on. It'd be hilarious if my dealer was flamboyant though, "Heyyy look at my stack of hundredsss in this rubber bannndd"
This is exactly what I'm saying... I just think it would be entertaining to buy from a flamboyant-ish gay person. I'm not trying to offend anyone. Again, I have some gay friends, and I am not against it in any which way.
Don't know, I usually just ask about the bud, not their sexuality, it's not really a prerequisite to me buying from them.
Yes, i have has that happen. I really didn't worry about it becuase he was a really good friend,but he didn't tell me he was gay until the 2nd time i bought herb from him. HE thought i had a problem with it, but i didn't. It was weird at first, but it's all good.
straight customer "yo ma man u got a dime of kush?" homo dealer "***** u gay, u no i only got that white lady" Straight customer " thanks?" the people around here.
That's the most douchebaggest thing i've read today My dealer is supposed to be homosexual, he's actually really cool.. I think he's Bi-sexual, not sure..don't care really to be honest... he has the best bud close to me in my area, and he's not an asshat like everyone else here in the south. whats the big deal?
Why does their sexual orientation affect anything? Why is it a factor in a business deal? ...why do you get high and think about things that make you seem ignorant? Never had one eh? Do you have any gay friends? Ever talked with a gay person? Why does this thread even exist?
Why do you ask so many questions? Do you mind if I start calling you The Riddler? Do you think I care if you mind?
homosexuals are known for doing copious amounts of drugs to ease the turmoil and loneliness they feel inside by being ostracized by society and religion but u already knew that