
Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by MistahWonderful, Aug 1, 2012.

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  1. I didn't see homophobia in the rules, so why did my thread get deleted? It wasn't even about homophobia...

    Moderators please help me get an understanding? It's funny we can't talk about real subjects like that, but it's okay to talk about illegal drugs, yes marijuana is an illegal drug under federal law in the United States, help me with y'alls reasoning.
  2. If you're looking for a board with free speech then look elsewhere. Sucks but it's not our forum at the end of the day, if you can't deal with it there are plenty of other forums.
  3. the moderator was probably butt hurt.

  4. If you have an issue with a moderators actions, you should either PM that mod or RMJL.
    It is against the rules to discuss moderator actions.

    I never saw the thread, but if it was disparaging or hurtful then it needed to go. :smoke:

  5. so the mods are tyrants that dont allow the critisism of their actions? they sure have alot of rules for people who break federal ones.
  6. It only adds unnecessary drama to openly discuss their actions. Sounds like you have never taken the time to read the rules and a few other stickies, pertaining to allowable posts. :rolleyes: :smoke:
  7. Deal with it.
  8. yeah, come to pandoras box where shit might be controversial. but if its too controversial were gonna have to remove it. but you know what, i smoke marijuana so i just have to deal with alot of shit.
  9. #9 blackleaf28, Aug 1, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2012
    [quote name='"MistahWonderful"']I didn't see homophobia in the rules, so why did my thread get deleted? It wasn't even about homophobia...

    Moderators please help me get an understanding? It's funny we can't talk about real subjects like that, but it's okay to talk about illegal drugs, yes marijuana is an illegal drug under federal law in the United States, help me with y'alls reasoning.[/quote]

    the reason is, this is a marijuana forum. They allow discussion of some other topics as a concession, not a right. Its a privately owned forum. And not even based in the u.s...
  10. Some shit flies other shit doesn't. If it was removed I can only imagine it was against the rules, pointless or in bad taste.
  11. mods usually have a purpose behind what they do.

    talking about mods actions in public is against the rules.

    if you feel any mod is doing their job 'wrong', private message RMJL.

    this site isn't ran in the united states of america, so maybe you should look up where this is hosted at before you start calling marijuana an illegal drug?

    the rules aren't made by us, but by accepting them when you created your account, you agreed to all of them.

    maybe somethings aren't fair. i know i'd argue that side. but if you really feel it's bothering you, you need to PM a super mod. posting threads like this only stirs up trouble for everyone involved.
  12. All I said was this dude was talking about incest and I left when he started talking like this and having sex with old dudes and he happened to be gay. I didn't do anything wrong in my opinion and I was looking for peoples views in real life stories..

    I didn't see how it was against forum rules but whatever. I wasn't even talking about the mods actions.. I was asking a question I'm new here and want to follow the rules..
  13. wait...rmjl is a chick

    dafuq thats kewl:wave::cool:
  14. homophobia would fall under offensive or derogatory material i think.. if you're looking to get specific with the rules.

    i don't think the thread title "The gayest thing I've ever heard"was such a good idea.

    anyway, if it remains an issue just send a PM to RMJL the forum admin and she'll have a look.
    if everyone who had a post or thread deleted went and made a thread about it, there would be a lot of threads.

    thanks man..
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