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Homemade vap???

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by daWeedMan69, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. ive got a few questions about this.
    1) how do you make one?
    2) how do they work?
  2. 1. Google
    2. Google
  3. so you mean to say that all of these people have to go to google with their questions? isnt the point of the forum to get other peoples advise on how to do something, not just go to google for all the answers that probably arent even gonna be there...i dunno about you but i like to have some personal feedback from people who have experimented and tried the question that are being asked.
  4. I can google better jokes
  5. [ame=]YouTube - How To Make A Homemade Lightbulb Vaporizer Free! [HD][/ame]

    I hope that answers your question. But IMO, get a real vaporizer. When I made one, it was not enjoyable. The vapor was harsh and the high wasn't that great. With a real vaporizer, you save much more weed, the high is clear and amazing, and it much safer for you.

    I know my first post was harsh but there is a lot of info about homemade vaporizers around already if you actually look.
  6. I have made a vaporizer with a light bulb before. It was enjoyable, but the hits were harsh.

    I spent $160 on a real vape, and I absolutely love it. I recommend spending the money because it really is worth it. There's nothing like getting fucked up off of .3 grams of mid.

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