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Homemade Three Chamber... This Thing RIPS

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BurnAftaRollin, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Check out this 3 chamber smart water bottle bong me and my buddies made.:hello:
    Milkshot Vid to come! :smoke:

    Attached Files:

  2. legit.

    but its just gonna get disgusting smelling when its all smoked out of.

    but good jorb.
  3. preciate it pigpen
  4. waitin for youtube to upload the vid :smoke:
  5. [ame=]YouTube - Amazing Homemade Three Chamber Smart Water Bong[/ame]

    here ya go boys :smoke:
  6. instead of milkshot, can we call that video like.. a cloud shot? a really wispy cloud. not saying its your fault id imagine the draw on that thing would be a mega bitch but it wasn't milkin for sure:rolleyes:
  7. Haha nice man :D
  8. did you even get a hit. it took that whole time to get anything up in the last chamber then there was so much pull it didnt even look like it cleared at all

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