Homemade SteamRoller!! w/ glass bowl.

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by Zr-01stamg, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Ok well here is a pipe i decided to make just for fun instead of spending 20 bucks on a roor one. All i used was th 14mm stock slide from my SYN, a lighter, and some gorilla glue.

    Don't worry it's not toxic and the seal is tighter than a virgin pussy.

    MILK VID WILL BE UP TONIGHT OR TOMMOROW whenever i get ahold of my man :smoke:




  2. Damn no love for some quality homemade?
  3. you should make one with a voss glass water bottle:smoke:
  4. what do those look liike? sounds fancy lol

  5. Great idea man i just bought a voss waterbottle today

  6. [​IMG]
  7. oooo i will have to do this and report back!~

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