Homemade pipe

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by iAeola, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. #1 iAeola, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2010
    I made this pipe lol what do ya think? its a pen and a thingy and tape
  2. haha a pen and a thingy?
    yea dude. i mean, it would probably work? but i'd just go with a can or even an apple ;)
  3. uhm...how do you hold it without spilling your weed :confused_2:
  4. Is that intended to be used while lying down?
  5. Not safe thats for sure. The tape is going to melt when that bowl heats up and the plastic pen tube will to. So I hope you like inhaling plastic fumes my friend. earn yourself 20 dollars and buy yourself a real pipe. OR! use an apple.

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