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Homemade pieces tips for the inexperienced stoner

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TheCaterpillar, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. #1 TheCaterpillar, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2010
    RULES FOR HOMEMADE PIPES (in no particular order)
    1)Plastic and pvc are a no-no if they are anywhere near heat. Same with aluminum cans and foil. I can't stress this enough.

    2)Pick up some cheap metal bong bowls/downpipes at a headshop, use these for homemade pieces. Go for cheap glass slides and downpipes for an even better hit with no need for a carb. (These can be slightly harder to implement in a homemade piece, but the extra work is worth it)

    3)If you have a drill, buy a drill bit that claims to drill THROUGH glass. This is important. Look at the packaging. A lot of "glass drill bits" are for engraving, not actually putting a hole in glass. Homemade glass pieces are the shit, and you can pick up cool art glass vases on the cheap at art supply stores (your best bet is a large chain art store, better prices and more selection), thrift stores, and flea markets/yard sales.

    4)Be creative, but simple. The more elaborate a design is, the more likely it is to fail. That's not to say that a crazy six-chamber contraption isn't going to be kick-ass, but don't rely on it as your only pipe. It sucks to have to make something new before you can smoke cause one of your seals got fucked.

    5)If it's a throwaway bong/bowl, and you can't get an airtight seal, gum is your best friend. just be careful not to stick your fingers (or anything else, for that matter) in it.

    6) This is the most important rule: Buy a badass glass piece and you'll never need this thread again. It's worth saving for.

    Happy inventing.
  2. Another good rule might be "Know the adhesive you're using"; how toxic is it, does it vape out fumes, does heat affect it, etc. For example, super glue melts some kinds of plastic, and some epoxies keep producing toxic fumes when hot for weeks after curing.
  3. actually, my rule is don't use adhesives at all. If I can't get a decent seal without one, I scrap the project. Have you ever seen adhesives on a storebought smoking device (other than papers)? If so, it was a shit piece.
  4. When I first starting smoking me and my buddy made a valve stem pipe. Worked pretty good. I still have a couple of them laying around haha
  5. bestthing, goto lowes, take the screens out of the sink displays, trust me i grabbed a whole bag full one time, its all good. i mean idk, your store might be diferent
    they have all the metal tubes youd ever need
    and elbow pieces n shit
    you can be sooo creative with stuff like that.
    especialy if alls you have is a coke bottle
    and a metal bowl.
    sooo many things you could do with that.
    i took a copper tube once. bout one inch diameter, it was about 2 or 3 inches long.
    i stuck it near the top of a water bottle
    and just put a bowl on the bottle opening.
    hands down, best pipe ive ever had, not even a milisecond of inhalation would get you blooooowweed.
    another one, today
    i had an old grenade laying around
    and i have some metal pieces from my stoner shop.
    so i improvised
    took the top off the grenade
    made a good tight seal.
    new pipe
    i just dont know
    because the inside is a little corroded i guess
    and idk how safe it is
    ive only smoked a roach in it so far
    if anyone wants to comment on that
    i would appreciate it haha
    i dont wanna get tetnis from just smokin weed..:eek:
  6. The only suggestion I can add is to save all of your plastic bottles! In Germany they're sticklers about recycling, so right now I have a whole drawer of empty water bottles and fanta bottles and so on. With these and some kind of bowl for the top (see OP's suggestion #2; I got lazy and used tin foil which isn't the healthiest thing), you can easily make disposible waterfalls and replace them as needed - and they're enviroment friendly (as long as you recycle them).
  7. oh yea forgot bout the water fall
    socket(small one preferably)
    a lit cigarette
    a knife.
    plactic bottle(in tact)
    make snug hole for socket in botttle cap
    now use the cig to put a hole in the bottom little foot things on the bottle.
    plug hole
    fill with water
    pack bowl
    screw cap and bowl on
    release finger on hole
    GET HIGH..
    idk why i pu the instrunetiocs up
    im sure everyone knows how to do this by now
  8. Alternatively instead of a lit cigarette you can take use a normal lighter and a pencil. Hold the lighter under one of the "feet" of the bottle, and once the plastic begins to bubble and a small hole appears, kill the flame and use the pencil to open up the hole a little bit while the plastic is still maleable.

    Everything else in the post I quoted is pretty spot on, although I'd usually ditch the cap and just make a tin foil bowl. Tin foil actually proved a little tricky because in forming it over the top of the bottle, it sometimes snagged on the threading and some weed would go flying. Use whatever you want as long as you can remove it quickly and easily before the smoke starts getting stale.
  9. Or you could make an apple pipe, which besides the sobe grav bong is my favorite homemade piece.

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