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Homemade peices..

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Colincjk4, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]

    Thats one I made today after my friends bong broke and i had the idea to use a slide, it hits like a truck. does anyone have any good ideas for homemade peices?
  2. nice n ghetto heh

    If you ever seen the SEMS1 bongs those are amazing.
    I made one and they hit fucking great. When my glass was out of comish i used that like crazy
  3. I make bongs like that except I use a pen and tin foil, and put the pen at about a 45 degree angle in to the water. That way it goes through a lot more water.

    Also, the soda can is a classic.

    And the apple. That one is fun
  4. I used to have one similar to that. It worked quite well in a pinch.
  5. I've recently been carving pipes out of wood (Well only two and one in progress), I'd like to sell them.

  6. That's what I did when I first started. It didn't work very well though.
  7. #7 Zeppelyn, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    What didn't work, making them or selling them?

    Also, your name is from Fallout isn't it? :D
  8. made one like that out of gatorade bottle yesterday, i use my one hitter as the bowl thingy. works nice and looks nice.

  9. Yess:hello: and I made pipes, but I couldn't drill them very well so you could hardly get any smoke out if it
  10. Oh mine work fine but I used a screwdriver right in the center, which is usually softer
  11. This is my bong. it used to have a really nice slide, but i broke it. so now i just use my chillum. works great.:wave:

    just some cut up bottles

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