has anyone here ever used homemade organic pesticides? after googling for a while ive seen a ton of different ideas including alcohol (rubbing alcohol id assume) Garlic, Onion & Soap mixtures...Tobbacco and so on... I was thinking about trying the Garlic, Soap & Water mixture...seems simple enough. My main concern is that something like that will effect the plant later on as far as when you go to smoke it...as far as taste of smoke and smell of the buds. any input on that?
i actually just brought some garlic, hot peppers and some jalepenio peppers. I also bought some garlic minced in a oil, im not sure if that will work or not. Im not sure how to mix this i need to find a definte mixture before i do it. ill let ya know
this is what I use: I fill up a small pot with water and dump in a bunch of cayenne pepper, minced garlic (fresher the better), onions, and a little cloves. I steep this brew for about an hour. I then pour it through a sieve, and then a coffee filter. Then I put it in a spray bottle and add a couple drops of IVORY soap. This takes care of just about anything. A buddy of mine soaks a cig. or two in that steeping water for the nicotine. I don't do this because I don't want to add any tobacco juice to my buds, but it probably doesn't hurt it.
That sounds good to me... Im gonna try it. Also...is it true that you cannot let this stuff jus sit around in the bottle for use later on?
Mine sits around. Maybe because of the risk of botulism from the garlic, but I'd say that's slim. Just make sure you strain and filter it, otherwise it can clog up your sprayer.
Do you know what you're talking about? Its sulphurous nature makes it a prime breeding ground for botulism (clostridium botulinum). Botulism is a nasty toxin that can result in major stomach illness sometimes leading to death. The worst danger from botulism comes if raw garlic is stored in oil at room temperature - or even for too long in the refridgerator. Never store raw garlic in oil at room temperature. In 1985, Vancouver, BC, 37 people got botulism from a garlic-in-oil preparation. This was followed by a 1988 laboratory investigation into the survival of and toxin production by C botulinum in garlic-in-oil preparations. In 1989, 3 people in Kingston, NY, became ill, also from a garlic-in-oil infusion. Thus, in 1989 the FDA issued a ruling, ordering the removal from store shelves of all commercial garlic-in-oil preparations that lacked an acidifying agent, followed by a mandate requiring the addition of an acidifying agent (such as phosphoric or citric acid) to all commercial garlic-in-oil preparations.
Well, there you go. I am a garlic fiend, I never have it around long enough to grow bugs. I must confess I do eat allioli, which is an oily garlic dip, by the bucketful. Never a problem yet.