well, my lightbulb vape i made tastes just like weed, so good, so i know theres taste, but i cant smell, cold, i need to know if it smells bad
well considering youre using a homemade vape theres gonna be some weed burned but for the most part it will smell like ass sex and flapjacks.
i want to make one but im scared of wasting weed and it not working cause weed costs so damn much down here and im not exactly loaded with cash.
I made one the other day. Except I used a jar. It takes a little while to heat up (like 30-40 seconds) but once you get that done, it will start uh smoking (not smoke but the vapors) and when I hit it the first time it kinda tasted like weed and popcorn. I didn't notice a smell. I didn't use a sploof either.
i love it becasue i can taste 100% of the weed, tastes soo good, but im wondering if i need sploof and shit