Homemade Bubbler: I present The Soul Stealer: Balthazar

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by FactionZer0, Feb 7, 2011.

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  1. [​IMG]

    This is the original Balthazar that my friends and I have created. We lost him recently, but made another one. He is our baby, our pride and joy, and his name isn't just for show. He can either be used as a party bong(if you somehow haul him out) or just to completely get you blasted off your ass. It's obvious he can't go far, but if you have a car and a few clothes, throw him in the back seat and disguise him and he's portable.

    Anyways, this is the one bong we put all our energy, time, and money into and he's the one we love to show off.
  2. I dont see anything...
  3. Sorry about that, had to update it.
  4. Holy, hahahaha. Milk vid?
  5. I'm intrigued by this, if I could request some better pictures that'd be baller. :cool:

    Anyway does it work like a hookah?
  6. Yeah there's another pic I'll post up in just a second of the 2nd one during surgery. And I'll post a picture of us hotboxing the car with it. And pretty much it's just a bubbler, throw in the pot in the shower head, the original required 2 lighters to light it up, and just suck in as hard as you can and let it fill up. And the hoses had a Open/Close feature so when you were done, you could just close it up and the smoke would just chill inside there.
  7. [​IMG]

    This is the second Balthazar. That's my friend Sean with him. The difference in this one is just the shower head, which is smaller and now requires 1 lighter. Also has a open/close feature too along with the tubes.


    This is a random night where we sat in the back, pulled the chairs up and just had a smoke sesh with Balthazar.
  8. Hehe ballsy, my town would either have a random pig roll by or some overzealous neighbor/store owner calling the 911.
  9. Looks like a good way to get cancer. Don't smoke out of plastic/foil. Invest in a glass pipe, nothing that nice... just something better than your cancer machine. It is cool though.
  10. He is using the showerhead (metal) for a bowl idk what your talkin about?? ^^^^

  11. Actually that night we were on some random road because we didn't feel like going far, and I guess the person who lived down the road came home and just parked behind us and started flashing his lights. We didn't realize it until 10 minutes later and we got up to the front and started driving away, he also followed us home, but that was about it. Pretty scary moment.

    To bluberry:

    We actually decided to buy sink drains which fit perfectly into the shower head. Without it, the res would just clog up the shower head holes.
  12. That looks too big....i smell the stale smoke from here.

  13. I am talking about the huge plastic drum that makes the body of the piece. Maybe you didn't notice it? :confused_2:

    The smoke is hot enough to burn fumes FULL of carcinogenic fumes, straight into the user's lungs. Not to mention it's so big that the smoke is definitely stale by the time the user gets it all.

    Good idea though.
  14. I really really doubt it's gettin any plastic that far away hell i have gravity's that use a glass bowl right near plastic and i don't get any fumes >>

  15. Keep enjoying your cancer. ;)
  16. This is amazing.

    You sir, have inspired me.
  17. looks sickkk :hello:
  18. If the smoke is going through cool water, how would it possibly be hot enough to create carcinogenic fumes? If it were possible, any time your water bottle got over 90 degrees, each drink is a little cancer down the drain...im so high
  19. Yeah dude, the smoke is most definitely cooled down by the time it gets to the bottle/user.

    That thing looks massive, I wouldn't want to hit it but I'm sure you guys enjoy it
  20. I made pretty much the same thing when I was around 16. It will get you high but then again so will smoking out of an apple. Thing with that is the stale as smoke and water in something that big. Its good for having fun but if you want your weed to taste good you might want to make something smaller or invest in a glass piece. When I was younger I always used to make my own random bongs and shit was cool to get high and start trying to invent some cool bong or something lol.
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