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homemade bowl

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Candyflipper, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. yea cheesy i know i can wait or jus get off my lazy ass and drive somewhere, and grab papers and shit. but im to lazy. makin a soda can. can you make this shit into a bubbler by chance? jus throw sum liquid in the bottom? i doubt u can jus curious. Will inform you of how it goes in a half an hour or so.
  2. Yeah smoking out of a can increases the chances of Alzheimers... So id just find a bottle and a socket and do it that way. And if you dont have a socket use some foil.
  3. i doubt it but potheads have been known to macguyver some shit
  4. dumbass. soda cans are made of aluminum.
  5. great success
  6. I dont think there is ever a reason to smoke out of a can, or a garden hose with a socket

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