Homemade 2.25 litre BONG

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by sambha, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. gets me fucked up!!!!
  2. gets me fucked up...........

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  3. Congratulations on something everyone has made as form of, without the gayass tube in the cap.
  4. ahh, why the fuck is there a tube in the cap. other than that blaze on
  5. Put a few more tubes on there and you can have a hooka, sorta.

    Your friends can join you suckin on that thing.
  6. Yeah man we've seen every variety of this bong. Get us something exciting!
  7. my smaller bowl broke.....so got a bigger one for 1.5$

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  8. Good decision. Glass > everything else.

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