
Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by MilkyLumpkinz, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. I agree with ghkilla.... I have no pity for people who get themselves in problems and then just give up. Crackheads don't deserve any pity at all. Get help man shit
  2. Yea, I dont get why being homeless would be less stressful of a situation for you then living in a home.. no better how bad the home is. You'd regret that decision afte like the first day.
  3. I just listed plenty of ways to make money, if your living on the streets my guess is life aint goin to good anyways so the risks are worth the reward. Explain how you steal the amount of food you could simply eat out of the box in store? And you only get caught if your dumb or reckless about it. And one last thing, the works cant do shit even if they see you steal, just run instead of fucking yourself over.
  4. I wonder why ppl assume everyone thats homeless is a crackhead, I mean I guess due to movies an the ghetto they get a bad rep for being druggys an alcoholics but a lot of them really arent,some ppl are disabled,some ppl cannot find jobs no matter how hard theyve tried,some ppl lost there home even with a job but do not have a place to stay until then..there are lots of reasons so before u judge someone think of all the possibilities an have mercy while being thankful that isn't u. anyway I'm so tired of ppl assuming I get into arguments an do not get my way, I'm not the type of person that likes to argue,I have a short temper but I avoid shit as much as possible an hope it goes away..the thing is many ppl assume when they're not in someone elses shoes. Its tiring because I wish ppl could be more open minded to the situation an see it for what it is,not add things in there that there own minds come up with,if you know what I mean. I've had a rough life since I was a kid,I'm not bragging..telling the truth. I've had to deal with a lot an although my life isn't as worse as it could be, the stress that I have mentally on me has to become to overwhelming to deal with. I'm around nothing positive,nothing that will give me hope. It seems like I'm wrapped in nothing but negativity,its everywhere..my family is not like most,I'm not saying theyre the worst family ever,I even know some of them that feel the way I do. I have a big family though, where there is gossip,constant judgement,violence an much more I do not wish to talk about. It has nothing to do with not getting my way,it has nothing to do with me being a bitch-even though I can be if I wanted to..but I choose better for myself as I love my family,not saying I'm perfect either,I'm not. But I need a new beginning one that with make me stronger an lead me to better things then where I'm at.
  5. sounds like you answered your own question on what to do then
    have fun, be safe, keep your head high
  6. yeah seems so, by the way, i would sell the laptop, or its gonna get stolen before you know it
  7. i can actually feel what you are talking about, its crossed my mind before too to just go and make a new start, but be sure that you are ready ay?
  8. I feel yaa..yea its what I hope to do. I should actually be sleeping right now,I have an interview at 12 today lol maybe If I get this things will go smoother in this whole process..hope to start new soon :3 off to sleep I go
  9. i was homeless till recently i got a semi permanant spot for about another month.heres some good tips!

    muti vitamins- nutrition can get fucked up if your on a cheap diet

    napkins from restraunts to wipe your ass

    go to a food shelter for food or go get some food stamps

    you can poop at safeways 24/7

    learn to relax because if your freak out, you will have a anxiety attack and collapse

    idk yadiyadi
  10. don't think I got the job he said he needs time to think about it but told me not to worry an I will find work soon no matter what..it kinda sucks I wish he coulda just been honest,Ik he doesn't think I'm qualified as I have no idea wtf receptionists really do but he told me not to forget he has other connections before I left, he also mentioned in the summer he trains others to work for him in other areas =\ oh well..tough luck for me like usual
  11. ...

    Yeah, your not going to get very far if you think your "fav stuffed animal and something my mom gave me" are going to feed you and keep you warm and alive at night
  12. I'm not worried about food because I could always go for food stamps..my cousin was homeless for awhile an he got some in an instant but idk we will see..Im hoping for some kind of miracle or gleam of hope :eek:
  13. I would love to be homeless. No bills, no job, no worries.
    Hell yeah!

    Go for it!!
  14. That's part of life. So any time something doesn't go how you want it you're going to just give everything up and run?
  15. Part of life is making choices an decisions that r right for u..yea obstacles r part of life but so r decisions an choices..If I stay in the same place I am now I'm not choosing better for myself when I can be
  16. move to vegas, become a whore, and get paiddd. then drive back to wisconsin in ur benz and be like whats up now bitches???

    (the legal kind of whore)

  17. I wouldn't exact call you homeless then... More like.. A burden on society.

    If your going to willingly become homeless atleast have the decency to leave government aide for those who truly need it.
  18. Please don't. We've got enough and we find em dead in ditches daily. And its cold. Few shelters. Did I mention they get killed for fun?
  19. I have only read the OP but are you fuckin serious lol?

    Your laptop will be gone within a week at a shelter. If someone doesn't steal it, they will run up on you and rob your ass.

    overall though, living in a shelter for a while will teach you alot about life.
  20. I recommend you get yourself arrested, than you'll have 3 square meals, a roof over your head, your own room, cable t.v., and a gym to work out in. Not sure if you can take your Teddy thoth

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