
Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Dvorak, Apr 1, 2009.

  1. So. Today I remembered that I had a bottle of wine aging in the fridge from about... shit it has to be at least 5 months old now. It's just sugar wine, and the bottle is now 100% clear. (it better be after 5 months) It reeks like alcohol. I haven't tried it yet though.

    But finding that bottle rekindled my love for homebrewing. I used to be really into it a while ago; I still kind of am, but at this point I just want to make more cheap booze for shits and giggles. I don't know why, but I like the whole process, no matter how simple it is. I've been meaning to take a trip to a homebrew shop for a while, but the closest one isn't close at all.

    So, GC, anybody into homebrewing? Beers, wines, whatever else?
  2. I've always wanted to home-brew beer, I had a lab instructor once who used to go off topic and talk about home brewing all the time made me want to. A good friend of mine does it with his roommates and I love going over there and downing a few free homemade beers.

    Anyways yeah homebrewing is awesome :D

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