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homeade piece question

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Eric420, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. ok not sure if this belongs in toking tools but W.E. I need advice on how to make a small piece. It needs to fit in a pill bottle and be cheap with stuff around the house. This isn't something ima show friends so i don't care how ugly it looks. Also i would prefer if you didn't suggest a tin foil bowl.
  2. get socket, make a screen outa tin foil by piercing small holes in it or use some form of metal screen (lint traps for dryers work good, buy them at walmart for like a dollar.) use a small socket if its just for you and then find a stem and duck tape or electric tape it up.


    take them metal eraser holder off the end of a pencil, squeeze it to form a mini bowl and insert it into a tube of a pen for a stem. it will only like like 4 hits but it works.

  3. Mouthpiece from a trumpet/horn type thing.
  4. get some clay, mold into small pipe, let dry, put into heat source for 6-10 hours (oven, toaster, fireplace, wood stove etc)

  5. yea because most peeople have a trumpet around/ are willing to smoke weed out of it:rolleyes:
  6. Take a pen or something. Take a basketball inflation needle and stick it in the pen

    Like this:
        |     <= Inflation tool
    C=============  <= PEN
    Plug the pen where the C is. Light / enjoy. Tiny bowl though lol.

  7. tiny bowl is an understatement, ive tried to do that its just a waste. It gets clogged easily and cant be unclogged. you get like 1/10 of a hit its so little

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